Your positive action has been interpreted in society and in the media. What have been the keys to success?
María Ajuria: The feminist movement has done a great job of showing all the arguments for abortion, of socializing it. All the reasons are on the street and have been argued. Action has therefore been very easy to understand. It was a very clear, very showy and quiet message. Any gesture that was made as violence would have been used against us.
Jone Arrazola: It was very clear from the outset that no violence was used. When they came out, we didn't put any resistance. Our role was unique: to cry out to the president.
M. Ajuria: It has been said in the media that we are “brave, brave!”. If we had been kids, nothing like that would have been said. Many have stressed that “fear has surely passed.” We were nervous but we didn't spend fear. When you see women demonstrating strength, you emphasize courage and fear.
J. Racism: We're recognized for value, but it's punctual, because we're not held back to that role.
The feminist movement has shown great organizational capacity around abortion.
M. Ajuria: This law brings us to a point we didn't expect, far behind. Yes, the fight for abortion has brought the feminist movement and much of society together, but behind that is the feminist struggle that fights many other things. For example, the cuts approved by the Rajoy Government and also by the Basque Government, the repeal of the dependency law, the LOMCE... many laws aim to keep women in the domestic role, in the maternal role and in the patriarchal system. The tip of the iceberg is abortion, but below there are many other measures and laws.
J. Racism: And a whole ideology, and a state policy directly impregnated with the Catholic Church. Citizens do not support the Abortion Act, the only support the Government has is that of the Church. The fact that women do not have the right to decide on their own bodies means that they do not recognize us as whole people. A person needs professional advice is the woman. But my body is the one I know best. I know what I want and what I don't want, and what's convenient for my life project. Who knew better than me?
Olaia Auzmendi: The feminist movement was already rarefied, but with abortion it has managed to bring this network together. There are platforms of the Basque Country for the Rights of Abortion, of Bizkaia, of Gipuzkoa, of Álava and of Navarra, and there are also platforms in the villages. With the Abortion Act, the network has become more united.
J. Racism: In the most mature feminists, those who have made a journey, I have noticed a sense of grief. Nobody expected to be on the street in 2014 with the same cry of yesteryear. It serves to strengthen us in part, but always stuck in the same hole, they want to keep us in the debates and fights of all time. Feminism still has a thousand things to discover and work on.
The claim is old, but in 2014 there are new tools; feminism is making great use of social networks to articulate and disseminate ideas.
M. Ajuria: Without social networks, the echo of this action would be totally different. We were very aware of this, and one of the pillars of action preparation has been how to manage dissemination. We've taken advantage of social media. The four of us who did the action are not exactly skilled in social media. Even if we wish, our mobiles do not record video, we do not have Whatsapp... It is important to see what each can contribute. We have done our work and others have done the work on social networks, something as important as ours. This has also been the success of the action. We have put our face and our body, but many people have worked behind.
What do you address to anyone who has rejoiced in your action?
Oh! Auzmendi: For other actions, a movement is necessary at this moment. This law cannot be promulgated. You have to give it a reed, and you have to do something about those other laws and crazy things that the PP is doing.
J. Racism: Encourage this type of practical, visual and beautiful activities. Then you look back and they're the ones who remember, "how good" you feel. Meetings are also important but also actions of this kind.
M. Ajuria: Direct action is also a very useful way of fighting in some cases. It's beautiful when women become protagonists of it.
Oh! Auzmendi: We put ourselves in the foreground.
J. Racism: The feminist movement has been congratulated on this action from all sides. And unfortunately, the feminist struggle is rarely recognized, that things are doing well.
M. Ajuria: I hope it is not the last. I already have another action in my head!
J. Racism: A national demonstration will be held in Pamplona/Iruña on 5 April. As we go to another thousand calls, this is also a matter for all of us, it affects our bodies and we have to respond as a people.
Olaia Auzmendi Sarasa, Maria Ajuria Hernandez, Jone Arrazola Maiztegi, eta Rebeka Maestro Watson, ekintzaren une gorenean. Ajuria: “Bagenekien pinturak indarra emango ziola irudiari, gainera lemarekin bat zetorren, emakumearen kontrako indarkeria, odola irudikatzen zuen”. Arrazola: “Sinbolo feminista garrantzitsua zen, Espainiako presidentearen aurrean horrelako ekintzarik egitea ez zen posible izango oinarri feministarik eta mugimenduaren babesik gabe”. Ekintzaren pauso guztien xehetasunak bideoz eta testuan jaso ditugu Gaitzerdi blogean.
Eraispenaren aldeko elkarteek manifestazioa antolatu dute larunbatean Iruñean. Irrintzi Plazan manifestazioaren deitzailea den Koldo Amatriarekin hitz egin dugu.
Basabürüako ibar eskuineko gazteek lehen maskarada arrakastatsua eman dute igandean, Lakarrin.