Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Calandreta de Occitania calls for a demonstration in favor of the immersion model

Artixeko ikastetxeko haurrak herriko etxe aurrean eskolak ematen protesta gisa.
Artixeko ikastetxeko haurrak herriko etxe aurrean eskolak ematen protesta gisa.

Without legal protection, everyone goes the same, i.e. Seaska, Calandreta, Diwan and Bresola. They just put obstacles in their way by teaching their native language. For example, the Calandreta de Artix, in Occitania, is threatened with closure. The demonstrators have so far travelled various avenues of protest and on 15 March they will conduct a demonstration on the streets of Pau to demand the closure of the Artix school and a law for schools. SEASKA has arranged buses to go to Pau.

You are interested in the channel: Okzitania
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A human-transformed ecosystem in the port of global warming
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They will not build the industrial sawmill intended to exploit the forests of the Pyrenees.
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Donostiarra prisoner Igor Suberbiola is already on the street
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Volem Vivre Al Pais!!
Peire Pessamessari elkarrizketa. Idazlea, Buoux herriskako alkatea eta zinegile koordinadorako ordezkaria

Peire Pessamessa Mintzo
Volem Vivre Al Pais!!
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2021-07-27 | Mikel Asurmendi
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"Gardarem Lo Larzac"
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The French Government will release two bears in the Pyrenees
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2018-07-27 | Lander Arretxea
What are you touring?
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