Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

A motion of censure, shadowed in black

  • UPN President Yolanda Barcina has been on the verge of falling out of her hands after making public the evidence that the Government of Navarra has given a favourable treatment to the economic elites. But political change has to wait. The persecution of robbers that has lasted for a month does not go any further.
PSNren Sarasate pasealekuko egoitzaren parean hainbat herritar elkartu ziren joan den ostegunean protesta egiteko. PSOEren aginduz Barcina kargutik kentzeko aukera bertan behera geratu izanak haserrea eragin du nafar askoren artean.
PSNren Sarasate pasealekuko egoitzaren parean hainbat herritar elkartu ziren joan den ostegunean protesta egiteko. PSOEren aginduz Barcina kargutik kentzeko aukera bertan behera geratu izanak haserrea eragin du nafar askoren artean.Argazki Press
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Yolanda Barcina would have imagined last week that, as a gunman who had to take the robbery and drive the car in the midst of a hail storm, he managed to reach the safe hiding spot, when the PSN learned that he will not support any motion of censure against him.

He got rid of it right away. The opposition has been held for four weeks and, by stepping the accelerator to the bottom, has guided the foral wheel by clenching the teeth, without worrying too much about the potential partners who might fall from the shooting that whistle on the ear, the corruption of the Goicoechea plot has made it mock in windshields, in the opposite direction and without light.

A complicated job.

But this is the case in some policies: the trade of suicide pilots. The calculations should be done precisely to hold the head over the neck. And when the former director of the Hacienda Navarra Idoia Nieves spread to the four winds the scandal of the interventions of Lourdes Goicoechea with the equation invented by Barcina.

He calculated that the hard days were coming to him, but also that once the storm had to appease him; that the important thing was that in the damage balance that followed the storm he did not become a political corpse. You might know that the ordago you had been taken out of the PSN had an expiry date. He also indicated that the decision would not be taken at the seat of the Navarros Socialists on the Paseo de Sarasate, but on Ferraz Street in Madrid.

I knew that the European elections were not too far away either, that the PSOE wants to win those votes before the siege of the Moncloa Palace began, and that, on the way to that victory, it would be an obstacle for many Spanish voters to stand hand in hand with Basque nationalists.

In other words, Barcina, even though he came out of the curb and risked hitting the tree, saw that he also had escapes.

As a crossdresser who has decided not to surrender, the president of Navarre went to the mountain and come and seek it, the justices. It seemed that yes, on this occasion the figure of the leader of the PSN, who was willing to participate in this type of smoothies would also be encouraged.

The government of UPN-PSN, which was established in 2011 and was moved in just twelve months, was far away. And it had been a year since the opposition tabled a motion of censure in April 2013 and Barcina managed to escape by the abstention of the Socialists. Bildu, Aralar-NaBai, Left-Ezkerra and Geroa Bai were involved in the case of Caja Navarra, which led them to ask the president of the entity. Those eighteen seats were too few in Parliament to win the nineteen from UPN and four from pp. And the nine PSN parliamentarians, in silence, not here or there.

Good, ugly and evil

There was no shortage of sinks to believe that this year was going to be different, it was quite clearly stated: “If Barcina does not dimite, the SNP will throw it out.” And what happened? Like the honest, ugly and evil man who gave the title to Western, there may be three hypotheses that explain what Jimenez did in the last month.

There has been a lack of coordination between the PSOE and the PSN, they have not been understood and I have given you my arm, you have held your hand. The proponents of this theory will tell you that both the PSN and the PSOE intended to commit a rotten ordago from the very beginning. It was about tightening the rope, to see if they could get Barcina to prioritize early elections in the face of the loss of the motion of censure – Miguel Sanz himself sang to the president the benefits of that election at the UPN executive committee meeting.

But Barcina has been bitten. And then chocolate: the Navarros already believed that the wager was more than pose and the Madrid people had to pull back the reins in the name of Rubalcaba, the party and the state, amen.

However, this reading seems simple. Let's go with the fea hypothesis to August of 2007. Many have preferred not to recall that seven years ago – it is easy to say – the PSOE made a similar move to the one it has repeated now, with the possibility of expelling UPN from the government on the table, without a ghost called Bildu.

The first time the tragedy, the second time the farce: the wise men have said it. In the last month's reading, Afrussians say that the understanding between UPN and PSOE comes from a long time ago, that Navarra is really a matter of state and although all relations have ups and downs, Ferraz is not here for many adventures. That there is nothing to do with the PSN, that there is not going to be, that it is forgotten, that it does not ask for miracles until the rest is 25 seats.

The bad option has to do with the position of Roberto Jiménez: it is known to whom the secretary general of the PSN slipped in 2012, when Carme Chacón and Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba fought for the leadership of the PSOE. We also know who won the fight. What we do not know is whether the humiliation suffered by Jiménez last week was a delay and a way of making him pay the interests of Chacón’s defence.

You may think of the PSOE that, after so many journeys, Jiménez is already depreciated. On the cover of the Diario de Navarra on 9 March, they were having fun with the baraje of the possible substitutes of Pitillasa. If the thief is hidden and little changed, the secretary general of the PSN would be better if he were put in the hands of a nurse that ugly wound on his side, because he might throw the bullet through his back. It is known if the shooting will not get infected to the match.

How many draws are left?

It would seem that Yolanda Barcina has emerged from this trap, which has partly restored the ability to mark the times of Navarre politics and which will not anticipate the elections until she deems it appropriate.

It's just the effect of adrenaline. You'll want to feel confident that you won't be put on your leg again, but how many flames, how many impossible escapes can someone make in their situation? How many scandals, due to corruption, can be brought to light in fifteen months? How long before number two of the party started fighting for the leadership of the band? How much, the opposition, the real, has grown more than was expected? They're questions for another movie. The Goicoechea case ends here, shaded in black.

Deus gutxi aldatu duten lau aste

Otsailak 11: Idoia Nieves Nafarroako Ogasuneko zuzendari ohiak publiko egin zituen Lourdes Goicoechea Ekonomia kontseilariaren esku hartzeak. Zergadun handiei ikuskaritzak egitea eragozteko saiakerak, besteak beste. “Goicoechea auzia”-k Nafarroako Gobernua aurrean eramango zuela zirudien.

Otsailak 12: Roberto Jimenez (PSN): “UPNk agortu du Nafarroako Gobernuan geratzen zitzaion luzapen-denbora. (...) Barcina presidenteak dimititu egin beharko du eta hauteskundeak deitu. Eta dimititzen ez badu, guk botako dugu”.

Otsailak 13: Nafarroako Parlamentuak Goicoechea auzia ikertzeko batzordea eratzea erabaki zuen.


“Ni naiz PSOE Nafarroan”, aldarrikatu zuen Roberto Jimenezek, alderdiaren Madrilgo organoak sozialista nafarrei kasu egingo ziela iradokiz.

Elena Valenciano PSOEko idazkaritza nagusirako hautagaiak Bildurekin ez zutela pakturik egingo adierazi zuen.

Yolanda Barcina Nafarroako presidenteak hauteskundeak maiatzera aurreratzeko “aukera asko” zeudela esan zuen.

Otsailak 21: Idoia Nievesek Goicoechearen esku hartzeak berretsi eta datu gehiago eskaini zituen ikerketa batzordean.

Otsailak 24: Lourdes Goicoechea ikerketa batzordeko aulkian eserita. Behin baino gehiagotan errepikatu zuen ez zituela gogoratzen galdetzen zizkioten datak edo eskatutako datuak.

Otsailak 25: Barcinak ikerketa batzordeko galderei erantzun zien. Salaketak ukatu zituen, PSNri Gobernuan izan zenean egindakoak gogora ekarri zizkion, Bilduren mamua erabili zuen... Kontraeraso gisa hartu zuten kazetari askok haren agerraldia.

Otsailak 28: Goicoechea auziko ikerketa batzordeak Yolanda Barcinaren dimisioa eskatu zuen. Bat egin zuten eskakizun horretan PSNk, Bilduk, Aralar-NaBaik, Ezkerrak eta Geroa Baik.

Martxoak 2: PSNk iragarri zuen alderdi guztiekin bilerak egingo zituela, Bildurekin izan ezik, Gobernu aldaketaren aukeraz hitz egiteko.

Martxoak 3: Soraya Rodriguez PSOEk Espainiako Diputatuen Kongresuan duen bozeramaileak El Mundo egunkariari: “Barcinak ezin du jarraitu bere postuan, baina PSOEk ez du Bildurekin hitz egingo ezta paktatuko ere”.

Martxoak 4: UPNko batzorde exekutiboko bileran, Miguel Sanz Nafarroako presidente ohiak hauteskundeak aurreratzeko gomendatu zion Yolanda Barcinari. Presidenteak uko egin zion aukera horri eta soka azkeneraino tenkatzearen alde egin zuen.

Martxoak 5: PSNrekin bildu ostean Aralar-NaBaiko Patxi Zabaletak Argiari: “Gehiengo esanguratsua zentsura mozioaren alde agertuko dela esan digute eta ondoren, ostiralean [martxoak 7], Madrilera joango direla haiek horretaz konbentzitzera”.

Ferraz kalean ez zuten biharamunera ere itxaron. PSOEk agiri bat kaleratu zuen PSNri zentsura mozioaren aukera zikiratuz. Bildu gabe aukera hori gauzatzea ezinezkoa delako hartu zuten erabakia, dokumentuan aipatzen denez.

Martxoak 6: PSNko Lurralde Batzordeko kideen %60k Madrilgo agindua betetzearen alde bozkatu zuen. Roberto Jimenezek aitortu zuen bere dimisioa mahai gainean jartzekotan egon zela, “baina ezin da PSN izan krisi hau ordainduko duena”.

Lau asteren ondoren, Barcina kargutik kentzeko aukera kea haizean bezala desagertu da.

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Roberto Jimenez badoa, PSN-n Madrilek agintzen duela adieraziz

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Barcinak azalpenak emango ditu Parlamentuan ikerketa batzordearen ondorioez

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Zein litzateke bide juridikoa EAEk eta Nafarroak bat egiteko?

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Roberto Jiménezek bere irudia txukundu nahi du PSOEren aurrean burua makurtu ondoren

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2014-03-07 | ARGIA
PSNk ez du Barcinaren kontrako zentsura moziorik aurkeztuko, Madrili men eginez

"Dimititzea planteatzera iritsi nintzen, baina ezin da PSN izan krisi hau ordainduko duena". Roberto Jimenezen adierazpenak dira PSNk Madrildik agindutakoa betetzea erabaki ostean. Lurralde Batzordeko kideen %60ko babesarekin atera zuten aurrera proposamena (80 alde,... [+]

PSOEk debekatu egin dio PSNri Barcinaren aurkako zentsura moziorik aurkeztea

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2014-03-05 | Iera Aranburu
Sanzek ere hauteskundeak aurreratzeko gomendatu dio Barcinari

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2014-03-04 | Iera Aranburu
Soraya Rodriguez, PSOEko bozeramailea: “Barcinak ezin du jarraitu bere postuan”

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2014-03-03 | Iera Aranburu
PSNk bilerak egingo ditu alderdiekin gobernua aldatzeko aukeraz

Hauteskundeak aurreratzeko eta Yolanda Barcina presidentea kargutik kentzeko helburuarekin Nafarroako alderdi politikoekin bilerak hasiko dituela adierazi du PSNk komunikatu batean. Bildu bilera-erronda horretatik kanpo utziko du Roberto Jimenezen alderdiak.

2014-02-28 | ARGIA
Barcinaren dimisioa eskatu du Goicoechea auziko ikerketa batzordeak ere

Aldaketaren premia: hori da Goicoechea auziko ikerketa batzordeak gaur irakurri dituen ondorioetan ikusten dena. Yolanda Barcina Nafarroako presidenteari dimititzeko eta hauteskundeak aurreratzeko eskatu dio.

2014-02-27 | ARGIA
Lourdes Goicoecheak gezurra esan zuen ikerketa batzordean

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2014-02-27 | Iera Aranburu
PSNk zentsura mozioa aurkezteko jarrerari eusten dio, Madrildik esango diotenaren zain

Goicoechea auziko ikerketa batzordeko testigantzak Barcinaren dimisioa eskatzeko aski direla uste du PSNk. Hala ere, Madrilera begira daude alderdian, Espainiako organoak baitu azken hitza.

Eguneraketa berriak daude