Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

King of Acadia Rimus, inventor of concentration camps

Naram-Sin-en Garaipen Estela. Izen hori eman arren, adituek ez dakite ziur erliebeko eszena Naram-Sini edo haren osaba Rimushi dagokion.
Naram-Sin-en Garaipen Estela. Izen hori eman arren, adituek ez dakite ziur erliebeko eszena Naram-Sini edo haren osaba Rimushi dagokion. Louvre Museoa
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Mesopotamia, about 4,350 years ago. The second Acadian king of Sumeria, Rimush, outraged the Sumerians. His father, Sargon, founded the Achadian Dynasty and although he seized power from the Sumerians, he tried to reconcile himself with them: he respected his culture, his religion and his language, and he did not impose on any ruler who did not like it. In any case, at the end of his reign, several Sumerian cities rose up. When Rimush, the son of Sargon, took possession of the kingdom, he had to face the continuation of the rebellion. The cities of Zabala, Adab, Umma, Kidingira, Ur and Lagash, ruled by the Sumerians, were raised, headed by the Mezquiga de Adabe. At last, the Aadians took over the Sumerians and Rimush had no more mercy than his father.

The figures in Rimush’s texts cause a shudder: Adab and Zabala recorded 15,718 deaths and 14,576 prisoners; Umman and Kidingira, 8,900 deaths, 3,450 prisoners and 5,985 deportees; Lagash and Uren, 8,040 deaths, 5,460 inmates and 5,985 deportees. An additional text states that in three other wars the Sumerian coalition recorded 11,322 deaths, 10,680 prisoners and 14,000 deportees. To appreciate the scale of the massacre, it must be taken into account that the largest cities of the time, such as Ur, had some 50,000 inhabitants.

Although in Rimush's praise texts the figures may be infested, it is estimated that in the war they killed 50,000 Sumerians and captured another 35,000. What could I do to ensure that the latter did not disturb her? Rimush built the first known concentration camp. The field is defined by the words A-na ga-ra-si-im ish -kun, which have not yet been translated by the expert. Therefore, we do not know whether the closure was an area of forced labour or a camp of destruction, but thousands of people died in it in any case. Rimush's reign lasted nine years, until he was killed in a coup by a stone seal.

In the collective subconscious, concentration camps are linked to Nazi Germany. However, after the Second World War, the Germans did not want to take such dishonor and the creation of these camps was attributed to the English. Thus, the origin of the punishment closures is delayed to the Boer Wars. The English then gave the package to the Spaniards, who already organized similar areas in the Cuban War of 1898. Thus, denouncing that the evil laborer had done so before, the title of inventor of concentration camps goes back to the principles of Antiquity and shows that non-civilized measures are as old as civilization.

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