We have organized concentrations for the struggle of a neighborhood in Burgos. But what do we know about this new mass phenomenon in Britain? What has prompted Breizh’s society to take places? What do those red caps come to in the head? And above all, what are the protesters asking for?
We will take a step back to clarify the matter: In February 2009, around 1,000 small entrepreneurs met to protest against the eco-tax affecting Libya. With the exception of Le Monde, all the French media failed to mention
the noticia.La ecotax, in theory, should facilitate rail transport, charging carbide and roads with the new tax. However, the French railway company SNCF does not envisage any work to channel its expansion, so Britain would be more ruined, yes, paying more than anyone else. Faced with this lack of purpose, in June 2013 18 companies extended their requirements: Prioritizing the economy of Brittany – the underground economy is 25% against the French average of 15% – formal decentralisation for the region to govern the economy and the right to experiment.
In August, peasants, transporters, officials and workers gathered at Penn-ar-Bed, and the first portal built for the ecotax was demolished. There appeared for the first time the red caps... since the seventeenth century.
In 1675 citizens rebelled against Louis XIV.aren, who tried to impose new taxes without the agreement of the British Parliament. The revolt of Bonedoù Ruz was called in Breton, as the rebels were characterized by their red cap. After all, the French Government was forced to step back.
Throughout the summer and fall of last year, other portals have fallen to the ground in spectacular concentrations, hundreds of trucks and tractors, and their trailers loaded with projectiles: cauliflower, grass ball and egg. On 26 October, following violent clashes between police and protesters, 80 civilians were wounded, some of them seriously. Events happened very quickly. Red caps began to breed above all, and the organization of this modern rebellion was reinforced. In view of this, the Government began its usual attempts at criminalization. The demonstration by Kemper, for example, was quiet, at the request of seamen and farmers. A few young people provoked the CRS police, or it should be said more directly that the riot police were there to provoke them, because everything is worth attaching red hats with violence. Apocalyptic reports were issued in the press: masked red hats, black and white flags in the air and urban guerrillas. However, there have also been caracol operations, which are gradually being run by long lines of cars, trucks and tractors. They usually end in the access to the highways, where the eco-services portal has been set on fire. Calls are made by oysters, pig breeders, or canning workers, each for their own time.
The success of the actions has shaken the Parisian centres of power and not only that of the government: the French unions do not understand the solidarity between the Bretons. They asked their partners not to meet the employers -- with little success. On the same day that 15,000 red caps were gathered, some 1,500 people demonstrated in the counter-demonstration, convened by the unions. However, there are many workers and trade unionists in Brittany and there are more and more unemployed, as the layoffs in the region have been the result of decisions by Paris or multinationals: Marine Harvest, Alcatel, PSA... It would seem, however, that the trade unions had not heard of it so far.
The movement articulated its demands. On 15 November, the collective Living, Deciding and Working in Brittany stated its objectives: The Commission's proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances and preparations for use in foodstuffs and foodstuffs, as amended by the Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development.
Socio-linguistic note: all communications have been made in bilingual.
The red cap is not the only historical gesture: The portilles of Arrangureta have also been opened, with all that can be assumed in unconscious French.
At the time of the revolution, these kinds of papers were opened at the door of the new regime. There, the citizens filed complaints against the old cardine system, which also served to remove the crown. On this occasion, 40 red hat committees from all over Britain will gather the suggestions of the citizens of each country as a prologue of the new revolution.
Likewise, according to the organizers, the Karaez call for 8 March is also open to citizen participation in the General States.
As in 1789, power is now being asked to listen rather than impose. They recommend collaborating with those who contribute to the creation of local wealth, rather than thinking about the region and forcing the technocrats in Paris to what they dictated. The messages are clear: “Let us take care of our affairs,” “For the people to be fast.”
France, which is always afraid to run over the peoples under its control, has ended up moving the economic record: Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault signed the Future Pact in Rohazhon in November of last year 2014-2020.
Six weeks of torture without consulting with red hats. Aid of EUR 2 billion has been committed through the pact, including new revenue and appropriations already committed. It would affect three key areas of the local economy: Agro-food, telecommunications and automotive. The last two sectors depend on the decisions of the State.
For his part, François Hollande mentioned the cut in the regions on the road to unification of a measure beneficial to Brittany: All historical departments are merged into a single region. But the Prime Minister immediately rejected this possibility.
The Bretons have suffered a long dependency on France. If a minority of independentists or autonomists is removed, it is natural that they should be French. Paris always behaves well in the face of any legitimate feeling or demand such as the ghost of “ethnicism” and “collaborationism”. Stop the h(il)erria.
Above that fraudulent rule of play, the red caps have brought a novelty and have opened the playing field with the motto Living, deciding and working in Brittany.
Deciding is to require a share of the power to make the decisions that correspond to them directly. They are close to the Scottish model and have opened a path that the international community can easily understand, without falling into endless historical debates.
Could Jacobin France accept it? Won't you try to buy people's will? The road has already been opened with the Future Pact.
What will be the response of Breton society under this manipulative state? Will the hope of the seagulls of concern survive? Surely, the French will want to clean the chick inside the egg.
Light signals were fired in Brittany last autumn, both in Corsica and in the Basque Country. Not to mention Catalonia. Because the people want to administer themselves. Collectively, above partisanship and other divisions. Interesting moments to take advantage of the weakness of France.
220.000 biztanlek erregularki erabiltzen dute bretaindar hizkuntza. Emaitza aski arranguragarria, jakinez Bretaina historikoan 4 milioi biztanle badirela. Hori da bretaindarraren egoera gaur egun.
Hamar urte daramatza Nantes Revoltéek informatzen, baina urtarrilean hedabidearen disoluzio prozedura abiatu du Frantziako Gobernuak. Nantes Revoltéek salatu du beren aurkako prozedurak hedabide independente oro eta informazio eskubidea mehatxatzen dituela.
It's called Ar Redadeg, a career similar to the Korrika that's being held in Brittany. Taking what AEK is preparing as a reference, they started doing so in 2008. Like Korrika, it is held every two years and this year is the fourth edition. The race will run from 24 to 31 May... [+]
Agroindustriaren sektoreaz informatzeko orduan, “benetako omertà” egoeran kausitzen dira kazetari bretoiak. Inork ez du hitz egin nahi eta hitz eginez gero presioak, mehatxuak, auzibideak zein zentsurak dituzte ordainean. Sektore indartsua delako... [+]