On this occasion, the ABAO has brought us one of the most well-known, most attractive, most dramatic and most passionate titles: Carmen. Nothing else to hear the title appear in our imagination the Andalusian gypsy woman, the “toreador”, etc., but, despite the fact that Bizet’s work is located in Seville, the novel is based on the composer, the action of Prosper Merimée takes place in Navarra. Carmen was from Etxalar and Don José de Lizarrabengoa, from Elizondo. Therefore, the archetype of Carmen, a free, hard woman, who does what she wants at every moment, consistent, who accepts with dignity death, will not be that of the Basque woman? It may be. Or, at least, would we like to?
But let's get to the point. We liked the production of the ABAO, Calixto Bieito. This version, released in 1999, was of great popularity at the time, as it was considered very breaking. On the one hand, instead of being in the 19th century, it is located in the 60s of the 20th century, around a barracks of legionaries. On the other hand, in the performances there is an influence on the sensual or almost sexual difference, however, without crossing the border. Maybe 15 years ago I could have been brave. From the present point of view, nothing. It's not a regular version, but it has measured innovations, it maintains the essence of history and is aesthetically beautiful, no doubt.
Musically, we must emphasize the interpretation of Achilles Machado. Machado has a luminous voice, powerful but sweet, full of nuances. It was a real pleasure to hear him. In addition, he had behaved well in his role with all the credibility that characterized him. Very well the Valencian soprano Maite Alberola as well. I had made a very well-formed micelle. It has beautiful prongs and dominates its vocal resources very well. The Malaysian baritone Carlos Álvarez, as always, was very effective and, although at first we were not very comfortable, demonstrated his vocal and interpretative capacity as the work progressed. And Carmen? The Italian mezzo Giuseppina Piunti moved very well on the stage, it seems physically the image of a Carmen that we all have in the head, brunette, beautiful… And vocally it worked well. His voice lacked nuances, as his interpretation was quite flat, from the musical point of view. However, in general, he made a good figure. Finally, our stars, the mezzo Itxaro Mentxaka and the soprano Elena Sancho, performed outstanding interpretations, very elaborate. The Symphony Orchestra of the Basque Country, under the batuta of Professor Jean Yves Ossonce, without mistakes. And both the Bilbao Opera Choir and the Conservatory Choir of the Bilbao Coral Society, which in addition to singing, had to dance and move, and all right. We had a great time.
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Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Arizkun eta Erratzun. plazan.
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