The transfer of a piece in this game does not create piety for the opponent: he is well positioned, has advantages and only wants a total victory. Yesterday, political violence left the weapons, today, tomorrow, the repentance and proof, the denunciation; the day after tomorrow, the recognition of the authority of democratic laws and the imprisonment of all convicted persons. So yes, after ensuring the moral and ideological success of police victory, the time will come for the generosity of the democratic State. But in order to heal the victims, revenge is needed and the socialisation of the terrorist monsters is unlikely; it will be a narrow limit to the generosity of the hands, perhaps a summary of the punishments of the most acclaimed.
The step now is not final disarmament, surely ETA wants to retain something to negotiate with the future Socialist Government. All the steps are moving in the same direction, and I cannot put the will to end the era of armed struggle. Then, unilaterally, there is a political electoral claim and it bears fruit. Recognition of the democratic framework has led to the emergence of inequalities and the denunciation of the Parot doctrine has served to free prisoners. These achievements must be extended.
However, political prisoners are not just victims who have rights. Many militants have chosen armed struggle. And here comes the key: that the fundamental problem of our times is the legitimacy of revolutionary violence. The dominant States and classes want to make it clear that violence can never be exercised against power under any circumstances. If ETA and the ETA environment adopted this doctrine, it would be a total victory for the dominant states and classes.
Some of us denounce the obstinacy of ETA, but never the legitimacy of liberating violence. The strategic failure of ETA to extend the era of violence was inadequate and the ethical fracture that occurred around the victims not involved in the repression caused us great misgivings; but the determination of many to take arms against oppression was considered one of the most honorable strategic and ethical options of our people and of all humanity. We had to get out of the hole, overcome a pernicious armed strategy, but not allow the speech of the oppressors.
I am therefore not going to criticise the decision to leave the arms and I am not going to enter into the strategy of small steps that ETA is taking. The armed cycle had to end, the decision that was on ETA, has taken it, and wants to link it to some kind of knowledge of the political militants, however little it may be. But revolutionary values were in the armed option (and humanist! ). I would like to underline the need to continue researching, narrating and understanding to remember them, because to maintain critical thinking today we need them and tomorrow they can be used strategically.
Because history did not end with Francis Fukuyama, because politics does not develop within the limits of the Spanish Constitution and if there is war on the State to expand the areas of freedom every day smaller, until they are left in peace.
Josu Urrutikoetxearen aurka bi auzi iragan behar dira aste huntan Pariseko auzitegi korrekzionalean. Biak ere ETA talde armatuko kide izateagatik dira, baina mementu desberdinetan.
Astelehen eta astearte honetan Parisen epaitzen ari dira David Pla eta Iratxe Sorzabal. ETAko kide eta ordezkari izatea, armak eta dokumentu faltsuak eta propaganda materiala izatea leporatzen diete.