The verifiers came in and gave a record, read a statement and showed the video. Then, they met with almost all of those present and announced that even more.
To listen to politicians, nothing is innocent. If you listen to journalists, nothing is irrelevant. If we listen to the cops, nothing is certain. And what do I say? Well, as the first Fausto of Goethe says: “Two living souls, woe, in my heart.”
If it was about disarmament, we would agree that it is certified that four firearms, two grenades and several kilos of explosive, and not unusable, have been left out of use, that a bottle is like a slice, even more so, like not offering glasses and not drinking ditches.
The French express themselves as follows: “Even if your aunt has wheels, it will never be a bus.” I don't dare to call that aunt disarm with wheels, and that's why I'm critical, because there's never a second chance to give it a good impression. ETA, for its egocentrism, and the verifiers, for supporting this minimal outbreak, have prevented the first good impression. I am not going to go up to the pulpit to speak on behalf of all, but I have the impression that the sweet collapse of ETA leads to growing disinterest in Basque society. In Spain, uncertainty is decreasing: “But is that still hard?” What could be chaos is being a yawn, and curiously, for the ancient Greeks, this word meant the same thing.
And yet, we are on the right track. Although ETA deceives itself, with endless dreams, it does not recognize that “armed conflict” was not an impersonal evil power, that is, that it has been a continuous process of the actions of its militants, turning crime into a custom, although it still does not recognize that every theory ends at the moment when the repressed instincts of men begin, which fortunately is before the end.
In our country it is common, as if it were a kind of necropsy, that after the funeral, friends, neighbors and even curious do not leave the place, nor move away from the family environment, because among the living it is about giving an affective social character to the event, friendly and curious. And there's also no one to confirm that the deceased is actually dead.
At the end of ETA I give him the impression of those who say something about the dead through long gossips on the portico, but they talk a lot about his life, those who keep talking and talking while carrying the dead body – to bury him – a few miles further.
However, once ETA has disappeared, what remains for us to live is not social harmony, however, we will have to make a huge effort to achieve coexistence first and then friendship. In the background and in the background, the beautiful idea that all human beings become brothers is nothing but the dream of having a unique child. I mean.
Josu Urrutikoetxearen aurka bi auzi iragan behar dira aste huntan Pariseko auzitegi korrekzionalean. Biak ere ETA talde armatuko kide izateagatik dira, baina mementu desberdinetan.
Astelehen eta astearte honetan Parisen epaitzen ari dira David Pla eta Iratxe Sorzabal. ETAko kide eta ordezkari izatea, armak eta dokumentu faltsuak eta propaganda materiala izatea leporatzen diete.