Acute, acute pain that suddenly appears in the center of the stomach without any reason for it, and that can often be a bit of fever and nausea, may indicate that the pancreas is inflamed. And although in most cases pancreatitis – as we doctors call this inflammation – will disappear with a low-fat diet, we should not forget that if not taken care of well, the problem can become chronic.
The pancreas is located at the top of the belly, between the stomach, spleen, and liver. The organ’s failure to function triggers a chain reaction that affects other organs inside the belly such as the liver. In the following lines we will give you some recommendations for pancreatic care.
Take care of oral hygiene. A recent study by the Harvard University School of Public Health (EE.UU.) has warned that people affected by periodontal disease, i.e. those who take care of their gums, are 60% more at risk of pancreatic cancer. It seems that inflammation that occurs throughout the body, not only in the gums, is the one that carries the risk of a tumor. Advice against this risk is clear: wash your teeth three times a day with dental floss and go to the dentist at least once a year.
Healthy diet. Fats, especially those from red meats and processed foods, and flours and refined sugars require extra effort from our pancreas when it comes to digestion. Fruit, vegetables and whole cereals have a protective and detoxifying effect thanks to their high fibre content.
Rule out harmful habits. Smoking, drinking too much coffee or black tea, consuming more soft drinks with gas than is appropriate, the sedentary lifestyle and the constant stress that usually occurs in a society like ours, significantly impair the production of pancreatic fluids so necessary in our daily lives. But above all these factors, alcohol is the worst enemy of the pancreas, as its inflammation can become chronic.
Be careful with disinfection. In this situation, the production of insulin is reduced, which may lead to total metabolism to distortion. To avoid this, it is recommended to drink plenty of water, natural fruit juices and herbal infusions.
Infusions to “clean” the pancreas. There are medicinal plants with detoxifying effect, but before using any of them, it is best to consult your doctor. For example, artichoke water can be used; boiling water is a suitable remedy for cleaning the liver and the pumpkin páncreas.El is one of the best medicinal plants for the
pancreas, although it is a slightly bitter taste. The main quality (Urtica dioica L), which accelerates the functions of the pancreas, can also be of great help.
Use the natural pancreatic protector. Olive oil strengthens the cells of the pancreas, which makes it more resistant to toxic agents such as alcohol, according to a study that has just concluded at the University of Granada.
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These were my last words when we left, held hand in your deep breathing sleep. Your heart stayed forever without a special, simple, dignified pain. As you want and demand. How we want and respect.
Already a month before the arrival of winter, the last days of the longest night,... [+]