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20 February 2014
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The analysis of Navarre policy needs a seismograph. At least I've always lived it like this. The seismic and political movements shake us in Navarre, because the appearance of unexpected variables is not expected, because some or other scandals erupt, suddenly the words and attitudes of both… And, in short, because the political situation can turn from one moment to another. And I would say that right now we are experiencing the most special political moment of recent years.

The coalition government of UPN and PSN broke in one year. A traumatic fracture and a permanent source of problems for some sectors. With the departure of UPN in a minority, the confrontation with Parliament has been getting harder and harder. The dynamic of cutbacks, the permanent obedience to what has been promised since Madrid, the cases of corruption, the disappearance of Caja Navarra, the scandals and the case of the courts… In addition, the budgets have been extended for two years, despite the fact that UPN has voted against, many laws have been passed, more than a dozen the State has appealed…

The most serious thing is that it is society that is suffering the consequences of all this. All historical limits have been exceeded in the unemployment data, including those in situations of exclusion or risk of exclusion. Or families who don't have any income, who are on the street... In addition, the quality of our public services has been seriously compromised, especially in the health sector. Mismanagement, resignations, cutbacks, privatizations… Chaos.

No restrictions. No privatisation. Basic income for all. Barcina, resignation. UPN, out. No corruption. Elections today. Navarre needs a change. The echo of these slogans has been heard in the streets of Navarra in the last two years. Due to the responsibility for the demand of this social majority, the two parliamentary groups that formed EH Bildu initiated a motion of censure against Barcina with the aim of convening elections. The result is known: The SNP’s abstention allowed Barcina to remain president of the Vitoria-Gasteiz Chamber.

Subsequently, the social, political and institutional situation has been untenable during these months. This situation has been aggravated by the scandalous accusations against Lourdes Goicoechea and Barcina of the former Director of Finance. The smell of corruption still floating in the air has intensified and spread throughout Navarre. The regime was wobbling, but this earthquake has shaken the poles of the base and affected several countries. And in this borderline situation, the PSN itself has shown its willingness to launch a motion of censure to allow the elections on 25 May.

There is no other solution, this situation must end. And that is our priority, to give the floor to Navarre society. It's enough, the Navarros don't deserve it. The cycle of UPN has to end, it has to introduce fresh and clean air into Navarre politics and institutions, for the benefit of society, and not other particular interests. The existence of a state case has been the perfect excuse for decades for Navarre to be in the hands of the most reactionary right, to squander at its will and to ruin its economy and the well-being of the Navarros.

And now is the time. There is no excuse, it is essential to call elections. The first essential step for Navarre to be able to undertake the profound social and political change it needs is to give the floor to Navarre society. We are all necessary and, above all, society. Let us take away the heavy burden of the consequences of UPN and its policy and be protagonists. It's the time for citizenship. n

You are interested in the channel: Goicoechea auzia
Roberto Jimenez badoa, PSN-n Madrilek agintzen duela adieraziz

Roberto Jimenez badoa PSNko buruzagitzatik eta zergatik azaldu nahi du. EFE agentziari egindako adierazpenetan, Yolanda Barcinaren aurkako otsaileko zentsura mozio ustela jo du kausa nagusitzat.

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If something is going to change

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Politikari, dimititu demontre!

Politikari guztien artean bada oso sustraitua dagoen jarrera bera: ez dimititzea.

2014-03-18 | Iera Aranburu
Barcinak azalpenak emango ditu Parlamentuan ikerketa batzordearen ondorioez

Nafarroako Gobernuko presidentea Goicoechea auziko ikerketa batzordea ondorioez ariko da Legebiltzarrean. Batzordeak dimititzeko eta hauteskundeak aurreratzeko eskatu zion.

Zein litzateke bide juridikoa EAEk eta Nafarroak bat egiteko?

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Government of Navarra
A motion of censure, shadowed in black
UPN President Yolanda Barcina has been on the verge of falling out of her hands after making public the evidence that the Government of Navarra has given a favourable treatment to the economic elites. But political change has to wait. The persecution of robbers that has lasted... [+]

2014-03-12 | Jon Alonso

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2014-03-11 | Iera Aranburu
Roberto Jiménezek bere irudia txukundu nahi du PSOEren aurrean burua makurtu ondoren

Roberto Jiménez PSNko idazkari nagusiak alderdiko kideei zuzenduriko gutun batean Nafarroan aldaketa aurrerakoia lortzeko lan egingo duela berretsi du.

2014-03-07 | ARGIA
PSNk ez du Barcinaren kontrako zentsura moziorik aurkeztuko, Madrili men eginez

"Dimititzea planteatzera iritsi nintzen, baina ezin da PSN izan krisi hau ordainduko duena". Roberto Jimenezen adierazpenak dira PSNk Madrildik agindutakoa betetzea erabaki ostean. Lurralde Batzordeko kideen %60ko babesarekin atera zuten aurrera proposamena (80 alde,... [+]

PSOEk debekatu egin dio PSNri Barcinaren aurkako zentsura moziorik aurkeztea

PSOEko zuzendaritzak erabaki du PSNk ez duela Yolanda Barcinaren aurka zentsura moziorik jarri behar Nafarroako Legebiltzarrean. Kaleratu duten oharrean irakur daitekeenez, PSNk ez du beste inongo taldek aurkez dezakeen moziorik onartuko. Erabakia asteazken gauean zabaldu... [+]

2014-03-05 | Iera Aranburu
Sanzek ere hauteskundeak aurreratzeko gomendatu dio Barcinari

UPNrentzat aukerarik hoberena zentsura mozioa saihestea dela dio Nafarroako presidente ohi Miguel Sanzek.

2014-03-04 | Iera Aranburu
Soraya Rodriguez, PSOEko bozeramailea: “Barcinak ezin du jarraitu bere postuan”

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2014-03-03 | Iera Aranburu
PSNk bilerak egingo ditu alderdiekin gobernua aldatzeko aukeraz

Hauteskundeak aurreratzeko eta Yolanda Barcina presidentea kargutik kentzeko helburuarekin Nafarroako alderdi politikoekin bilerak hasiko dituela adierazi du PSNk komunikatu batean. Bildu bilera-erronda horretatik kanpo utziko du Roberto Jimenezen alderdiak.

2014-02-28 | ARGIA
Barcinaren dimisioa eskatu du Goicoechea auziko ikerketa batzordeak ere

Aldaketaren premia: hori da Goicoechea auziko ikerketa batzordeak gaur irakurri dituen ondorioetan ikusten dena. Yolanda Barcina Nafarroako presidenteari dimititzeko eta hauteskundeak aurreratzeko eskatu dio.

2014-02-27 | ARGIA
Lourdes Goicoecheak gezurra esan zuen ikerketa batzordean

Lourdes Goicoecheak gezurra esan zuen bere influentzia trafikoak ikertzen ari den Nafarroako Parlamentuko batzordean, Aritz Intxustak Naiz-en argitaratu duenez.

Eguneraketa berriak daude