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Internet and porn sex educator

  • The You Porn generation in the French state: Myth or reality? They publish the title report. The work collects data that confirm the impact of the Internet and, above all, pornography that is increasingly disseminated through the Net, on the education and sexual activities of young people.

When the report The Generation of YouPorn was published, the media in general referred to the “disturbing” results of the survey: the banalization of sex, the hypersexualization of the born and grown generation on the Internet, the dissemination of the model that targets women... They have all been blamed more and more on new technologies and, in particular, on pornography becoming more and more accessible via the Internet. To find out if the results of the survey can reach our center and if the conclusions are worrying, we have met with the sexologist Olatz Berastegi, who teaches sex education programs in schools.

Berastegi does not deny the great influence that the Internet and pornographic films have on the sexual development of young people. It is evidenced by the simple comparison between the sexual education they receive in the educational centers and the time they stay in the network. The centers have no obligation to offer sex education, and at most, they are divided into three courses of that, they are dedicated 30 hours a day. In the best exceptions, a further 6 hours are also offered in Primary. Therefore, throughout non-university academic life, sex education is offered between 0-36 hours. The sexologist of the Elkar group says that very recently, and in addition those few hours are usually limited to prevention, “and not to understand without prejudice what relations we can have between them. He thinks we're sending young people a very negative message about sex. “Sex education is summed up in a poster with a condom. Prevention is necessary, but sex is much more than that. And in the message we send them all are ghosts, fear, danger, beware of intermissions, porn is bad...”.

The hypersexualization of society through the internet and porn does not worry Olatz Berastegi: “We are not hypersexualized, we are little and wrong sexualizados.Tenemos very meted stereotypes; they tell us how relationships should be, how to seduce… but we don’t even know our body.”

Data from girls above

The first thing that stands out in the results of the survey mentioned above is the increase in the percentage of masturbation of girls (this phenomenon will be repeated in many of the survey data: the percentages of boys are higher in most of the sections, but the evolution of the percentages of girls in recent years is more spectacular). 34% of women between the ages of 18 and 19 claimed to have masturbated once about twenty years ago and today 59% acknowledge having masturbated at least once. But what does this mean, that you masturbate more or that you accept it more easily? “Surely the two,” says Berastegi. Gradually they masturbate more and recognize more, but in the students I see that women still stress the effects of the limits and fears that have been imposed on the relationship with our body. The messages that boys take advantage of girls or the danger of receiving the label ‘urdanga’ continue to weigh heavily.”

Good or bad practices?

Some common practices in porn (oral sex, anal penetration...) have increased a lot according to the report. The possibility of watching porn has spread enormously thanks to the Internet and, in a few years, the percentage of boys who have gone to porn on the net has doubled and the percentage of girls has doubled by ten. “Students ask a lot about these practices, especially boys, and some talk about ‘nausea’. There may be a risk of disease spread, but that is a matter of hygiene and prevention. I tell you that you have nothing wrong with your sex partners wanting to try it.” Do they do it because they want or because of the model of porn and somehow forced? “Young people are forced and forced by the environment to resort to alcohol or drugs, and that is bad. But feel pleasure through the body?”

Berastegi recognizes that porn is very “genitalized”, but that can have a positive effect for women. “Boys need an evolution, moving away from the penis. And girls, the other way around. Romanticism and all that is OK, but the woman is a body and porn can help you be aware of it.”

In short, a young man who discovers his body turns to the Internet, sees porn, and that can lead him to try oral sex. It will then come to the conclusion of whether or not it is what it wants. “What they do has nothing wrong, but we’ve already told them it’s bad. What is wrong? What do young people do or look at adults?”

Cyberspace to develop sexuality

On the one hand, the Internet has brought cybersex with it. According to François Kraus, head of the Ifop organization that carried out the survey, “some internet platforms have allowed young people to have virtual sex, and young people, in most cases, have no space to do it, have no possibility to play seduction”. In this regard, Olatz Berastegi recalled the work of Wilhein Reich, who recently carried out his work in Madrid. In the 1920s, the Austrian psychiatrist founded the Sexpol association for the orientation of sexual policy. Concerned about the sexuality of young people, Reich considered that young people had to be offered information and comfortable places to live pleasure through the body. Almost a hundred years later, in the absence of this real space, the Internet offers them at least a virtual space, not only to have virtual sex, but also to gather information.

But the Internet is also a meeting place to find people who engage sexually in real life. Since 2006, the number of young people who have had real sex with people who have been found on the Internet has tripled. Adults also send the risk message to them on a permanent basis. Berastegi acknowledges the existence of risks on the Internet and the need to control them “just as in the street, risks must also be controlled. After all, the people on the Internet are the same people on the street.”

And despite the risks, the network also has great advantages. “Suppose you live in a small town full of prejudices and you are a transsexual or homosexual teenager and you feel lonely. Online you can meet people who think and feel like you. It greatly expands the possibilities.”

She stresses that the desire to meet new people, the desire to have sex are good, that the fears we share with sexuality are the ones that incite us to see them negatively. And yet, it's not pessimistic. “Things have started to change, albeit very slowly, especially for women. They are increasingly worried about their body, about their pleasure.” And maybe it's a sign of that evolution that we see in the results referring to girls in the data in the report.

Internet and porn are not the best sex educators. But maybe they do better than society.

YouPorn belaunaldia: mitoa ala errealitatea?

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Pornoa guztiontzat

Pornoaren industriak eragiten dituen irabaziak zehaztea zaila da, nagusiki jardueraren parte bat legearen mugetatik kanpo egiten delako; The Observer aldizkariaren arabera Kaliforniako San Fernando bailaran kontzentratzen den industriak 13.000 milioi dolar inguru ingresatu zituen 2007an, eta horietatik 4-6 milioi soilik fakturatu ziren modu legalean. Kopuru zehatzik izan ez arren garbi dagoena da, San Fernandoko industriaren fakturazioak erraz gainditu zuela Hollywoodeko industriarena 2000ko hamarkadan.

Pornoak eragin handia izan du interneten. Besteak beste audio eta bideo streamingaren, geolokalizazioaren edo ordainketa sistemen garapena bultzatu du. Eta internetek ere eragin handia izan du industria pornografikoan. Pornoa internet bidez erostea erosoagoa eta pribatuagoa denez, sareak goitik behera aldatu du ordainpeko pronografiaren banaketa. Forbesen arabera, 2001ean internet bidezko pornoaren salmenta 1.000 milioi dolarrera iritsi zen AEBetan, aldizkari pornografikoen salmenta lehenengoz gaindituz. Orduz geroztik, euskarri fisikoen salmentak behera egin du, eta internet bidezko salmentak, aldiz, gora egin zuen, doako banaketak eztanda egin zuen artean behintzat.

Free Speech Coalition elkartearen arabera, 2009an industria pornografikoaren diru-sarrerek %30-50 egin zuten behera. 2007an, aktoreei 500 dolar ordaintzen zitzaien batez beste eszenako eta 2009an 300 dolar besterik ez. Beheraldia krisialdi ekonomikoari egotzi dakioke neurri batean, baina internet bidezko doako banaketak eragin handiagoa izan du. Eta ez soilik fakturazioan edo filmen aurrekontuetan, baita edukietan ere.

San Fernando bailarako ekoizpen komertzialek kalitate tekniko handia izan ohi dute, baina eduki estereotipatu klonikoak irudikatu ohi dituzte. Doako banaketa, aldiz, eduki anitzagoak eta errealistagoak ekartzen ari da. Pornoaren banaketa hosting zerbitzuen bidez egiten da nagusiki, hau da, Youtube moduko guneen bidez. YouPorn, Xtube, PornHub, RedTube, ExtremeTube eta halako plataformetan, erabiltzaileak igotzen ditu bideoak. Horietako asko film porno komertzialen zatiak dira, baina erabiltzaileek etxean egindako bideoak ere jartzen dituzte ikusgai. Porno amateurraren loraldiak  mesede handia egin die errealismoari eta aniztasunari. Aipatutako webguneetako kategoria zerrendei erreparatuta, orotariko praktikak, genero konbinazioak, partaide kopuruak, adinak, gorpuzkerak, fetixeak... aurkituko ditugu. Esaterako, Hentai edo marrazki bizidun pornografikoak daude ikusgai, Instructional kategorian bokazio hezitzailea duten bideoak aurki daitezke, eta Female friendly etiketapean emakumeei zuzendutako bideo pornografikoak daude.

Hala ere, doako webgune hauetan porno komertzialak pisu handia du oraindik. Izan ere ordainpeko pornografia eskaintzen duten enpresa askok amuak (kalitate baxuko film zati laburrak) ipini ohi dituzte doako webguneetan, erabiltzailea beren guneetara  eraman eta eduki osoa ordain dezala bultzatzeko. Azken finean, doako gune pornografikoek beste enpresa hauetatik eta publizitatetik lortzen dituzte irabaziak.

Pornografia “demokratikoagoaren” eredu nabarmenetakoa Porn For Everyone! (pornoa guztientzat) ekimena da. Charlie Spatsek sortutako queer porno ekoiztetxe kanadiarrak crowdfundingean oinarritzen du jarduera. Erabiltzaileak zenbait eszena doan ikus ditzake helbidean, baina film osoak deskargatu nahi dituenak ordaindu egin behar du. Filmek ez dute prezio zehatzik, ikusleak nahi duena edo ahal duena ordainduko du, eta gainera borondatez ordaindutakoa zer ekoizpenetan inbertitu aukeratu dezake. Eta filmetan zer ikusi nahi duen  iradokitzeko aukera ere badu. Ikusle huts, finantzari edo aholkulari izateaz gain, erabiltzailea aktore ere izan daiteke. “edozein genero, sexualitate, gorpuzkera, arraza edo trebetasun” duela ere. Pornoa guztiontzat eta guztiok egina.

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