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From Vascones to the Kingdom of Navarre

John Koch eta Koldo Zuazo hizkuntzalariak.
John Koch eta Koldo Zuazo hizkuntzalariak.

The International Atlantic Congress organized by the Jauzarrea Association will be held in Irun (Gipuzkoa) on 16 May. They will look at the ages ranging from the Basque prerogatives to the Kingdom of Navarre. They will be days all day long and in addition to anthropology issues, the language will have an important place. Four linguists will make their contributions. John KOCH is working at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Galesera and Celte, and will offer a conference entitled Indo-European languages and local languages at the end of Prehistory. The German linguist Theo Vennemann has called his conference on the vasconic substrate in Central Europe: the reflection of the economy in toponymy. Georg Bossong will come from the University of Zurich (Switzerland) and Basconic Etymology will offer a talk in light of the (pre-)historical perspective. Koldo Zuazo will be the new Real technician in the Bizkaia Bilbao Arena. The linguist will take a leap to the Kingdom of Navarra to learn about the evolution of the Basque Country in the Middle Ages. Spaces of the language after the invasion of the Kingdom of Navarre through the conference.

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