Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Sample of the Basque scene in Leioa

  • The Kultur Maratila festival will be held from 20 to 23 February in Leioa. For four days you will be able to enjoy theatre, dance, music, poetry and literature in the public center of the Department of Culture of the City Council Leioa.Se is an initiative that reflects the absence of crisis in the Basque creation, as it is organized every year and receives very welcome.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The last film by Eneritz Artetxe, Konota, will be in charge of giving the starting signal to the festival, at 20:30. The work of French playwright Phillippe Gaulier has been translated onstage by Antton Lukuk and Dxusturi teatroa, who will interpret the subject. Eneritz Artetxe embodies a bufona woman, sometimes crazy and other wise. Remember that the Compota work of Dxusturi Teatroa received the help of the Zubi project.

On February 21, the dance group Ertza will be in the Auditorium. Asier Zabaleta is the creator and dancer of this group of dantzaris. Zabaleta arrives with a new dance job. The NAN show combines contemporary dance, text, video and live music. It is a fundamental reflection on identity and nationality.

The dancer Asier Zabaleta, for his part, has the live collaboration of Iñar Sastre. The work process between them began in January 2012, when pianist Iñar Sastre sent Zabaleta a CD with improvisations, in which he explained how the songs were prepared. Zabaleta explains that he welcomed it: “I really liked that music and it put me to dance right away. They were all versions of old Basque melodies, adapted to contemporary treatment. They reminded me of the issue of Euskal Herria and in the last 40 years I wanted to offer it as a tribute to all those who lost their lives for this people, directly or indirectly”. So the dancer created the piece of goodbye to those you've gone. “Then, following that starting point, I decided to expand and deepen the subject, always with the music of Iñar. And in the end, I focused on that relationship that we created with the people. Opening borders from the question of Euskal Herria, reflecting on what can be applicable to any person and to any people,” the dancer continued. “My contribution is to raise a number of questions. Many times, in matters similar to those that remain for years, our position is the result of what we have learned from home and the experiences we have had in life and it is hard for us to put ourselves in the skin of the ‘other’. There is no answer here, but I try to make the viewer have different points of view and understand it.”

It seems a complex concept to express itself through dance, but Asier Zabaleta does not share: “Dance is a perfect tool to express what we cannot say with words. In this show the word has its place, but when they do not arrive the body uses all its expressiveness”. Live music has something to do with that expressiveness. “Iñar gives enormous strength to the music he plays, arranges for body, for life, and eventually joins what is happening on the scene. It has been a nice process. We both felt very comfortable in the world of improvisation and when we have managed to unite both languages in the same place through improvisation it has been amazing.”

On February 21, at 22:00, it will be the turn of music in the exhibition room, at the hand of Mixel Etxekopar and Francois Rosse. Zuberotarra and Alsatian musicians bring the Tranhumancia show. Giving a great space to improvisation, Trashumancia is very contemporary. Through the melodies of birds or the sounds of flocks, the public will lead them down a special musical path.

On 22 February, at 20:00, we will have the opportunity to see the new work of Tanttaka, Zazpi Aldiz ELUR (Mikel Laboa Elurretan). On the text written by Bernardo Atxaga and accompanied by live music by Iñaki Salvador and Angel Unzu, actors Mireia Gabilondo and Iñaki Rikarte will play this work that has as its axis the universe of Mikel Laboa.

Mireia Gabilondo as director told us: “I came up with the enthusiasm of Mikel Laboa, who has helped me many times in most of the works I have done in my life, Laboa is one of my favorites. The work was born wanting to do a new job on the figure of Mikel Laboa”. At the beginning of the work, Mireia Gabilondo was clear that he had to collaborate with Mikel Laboa's creative colleagues, who needed those who knew Laboa close. That is why the musician Iñaki Salvador will be in charge of acting live in Plaza Nueva. “He has done a lot of work with us,” says Gabilondo, “but above all we were interested in the closeness to Laboa, who always helped with the piano. I wanted to attract people nearby. Bernardo did the same. He wrote that text about Mikel Laboa for a long time, and from there we left to keep Mikel’s universe alive.” Music, words, poetry, Mikel's life and Zumeta images complete this week's program. Tanttaka will present her new work within the Kultur Maratila festival, and Mireia Gabilondo has pointed out that “initiatives such as Kultur Maratila are still needed. There's creation in Euskera, and a lot is being done in that regard. It’s something that needs to be offered to the public, the important thing is that people get closer and that people enjoy.”

On the same day but at 22:00, in the exhibition hall, the JB Pedradas theatre group will present the monologue Cucumber Ustelak in the Refrigerator. The actor and director of the company is Jabi Barandiaran. Cucumber Ustelak is the story of a transformation in the refrigerator, in which man becomes a woman before the public. “Because laughter saves my life, and when I stop laughing, it’s over,” says Espe Pino’s character.

On the last day, on February 23, he will arrive at the scene The Sensible Place of Gabriel, who has poetry, music, theatre, photography and bertsolarism. Oier Guillan and Andoni Egaña have written a script based on texts by Gabriel Aresti, and Rafa Rueda has musicated the poems of this latest work. Seven people on the stage, with the aim of recovering Aresti's legacy.

2014ko otsailaren 16a
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