The families of victims in Northern Ireland already have injuries similar to those of the victims in the Basque Country, but some are in the process of recovery, among other causes and problems, because 15 years ago they began a peace process that served them. From the point of view of truth, justice and memory have been addressed in many areas and some of the measures become very strange looking from Euskal Herria, when in Euskal Herria there has been a deceased last week. Two of them are very striking measures.
One is the concept of limited immunity: when the victim of the conflict or the family of the victim in Northern Ireland authorise the use of this means, if someone declares that they have been involved in a crime, that cannot be used against them in the trial. This opens the door to truth and clears the hidden cases and alleviates the pain of the families. Truth prevails over justice in this case. The other measure has to do with crime and punishment: Any person convicted of offences prior to 1998 (Good Friday Agreements) shall not enter prison for more than two years.
These are measures aimed at gradually alleviating injuries and facilitating coexistence. Many other injuries will never be cured, the family or friends of the victim or the victim themselves must always accompany it. Always. There is no peace process, no prison sentence, no death penalty that can alleviate many injuries. Relieve the wound, do not remove it.
If you had wanted that relief, maybe Arkaitz Bellón wouldn't be a victim. Victim? But is Arkaitz Bellón also a victim? And in which group of victims should it be classified? In the classifications of victims treated in the main Basque institutions, such as parliaments, there are no victims of penitentiary institutions, either for prisoners or for relatives who have died in accidents. At most, there are statements against the dispersal of prisoners and requests for rapprochement to prisons near Euskal Herria.
There may, however, be spaces if you explore more in the grooves. The Directorate of Peace and Coexistence of the Basque Government says of the victims: “In this area, victims are people who have suffered serious harm as a result of terrorism, violence and human rights violations. In the event of death, the victims are family members, according to the degree of kinship established.” Have all these years violated Bellon's human rights?
There is something else: in the report of June last year on human rights violations by Manuela Carmena, Jon Mirena Landa, Ramón Múgica and Juan María Uriarte (1960-2013) a section of prisons appears, but it is clarified in two lines what can be done in this area: “The recommendations and evidence gathered by official human rights bodies (especially the European Commission for the Prevention of Torture) continue to be to investigate and quantify allegations of cruel and insulting ill-treatment.” There are therefore complaints, they are not yet under investigation and they need to be investigated.
There is no doubt that, for a part of Basque society, Arkaitz Bellón is a victim of Spanish prison policy, but is it also, for example, for the Basque Parliament? But why has the victim died of natural death? Will he give the defendant the disproportionate prison sentence (13 years in prison) he received for street altercations? And the torture reported during the asylum? To be 1000 kilometers from your village? Will the four beatings of the prison officials reported by him be investigated? Will the long times of isolation be taken into account?Will you give you any indication that the victim was in jail when he had to be on probation? If he were one of the 68,300 non-EPPK prisoners in Spain, having served 2/3 and 3/4 of his sentence, he would be on the street. And who knows, maybe he would have died on the street, because on the street too many people die. But he has died in prison, in that context. Is it a victim for all those who have opposed the prison policy that has been pursued so far? If it is true that the majority of the Basque Parliament is against dispersion and in favour of another penitentiary policy, it would also have to say something about the death of Bellón. What? Here's the challenge.
Iratxeren Bidasoaldeko Lagunak ekimenak deituta, dozenaka lagun kalera atera ziren atzo Iratxe Sorzabal preso politiko irundarraren absoluzioa eskatzeko eta behingoz etxera ekartzeko, torturak salatzeaz gain.
Sare Herritarrak antolatuta, pasa den urtarrilaren 11n Bilboko kaleak bete zituen manifestazio jendetsuaren ondoren, berriz sortu da eztabaida, euskal presoei salbuespen legeriarik aplikatzen ote zaion. Gure iritzia azaltzen saiatuko gara.
Espetxe politikan aldaketa nabarmena... [+]
Just as we experienced the flourishing of the Basque Country with the help of the artists, so that this time, taking advantage of their impulses, we continue to make our way together giving the necessary support to the Basque political prisoners, exiles and deportees
The... [+]
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What surprised you the most when you left jail? I've been asked many times in the last year and a half.
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