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How to Reactivate the Basque Country in Irun

  • The population of Irun (Gipuzkoa) is 61,102, of which 21,300 are vasco-speakers (34.9%). The use of Euskera, on the other hand, is around 5.5%, according to the latest measurements that are made. In this context, the director of AEK of Irun Idoia Genua and Joxeja Zabalo Betti Gotti, member of the Cultural Association of the Basque Youth, have been working for years to promote Euskera.
Ekintza artifizialetatik harago, euskara ingurune naturaletan txertatzearen aldekoa da Idoia Genua. Pertsonarengana iritsi eta harreman horretatik jarrera, sentsibilitatea, medioak... lantzea funtsezkoa dela uste du Joxeja Zabalok.
Ekintza artifizialetatik harago, euskara ingurune naturaletan txertatzearen aldekoa da Idoia Genua. Pertsonarengana iritsi eta harreman horretatik jarrera, sentsibilitatea, medioak... lantzea funtsezkoa dela uste du Joxeja Zabalok.Mikel Garcia Idiakez
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Spanish is the main language in Irun and the offer you have can also be made in Spanish. Because of its simplicity, comfort, tradition… the two interviewees say that the tendency is to go to Spanish and the quality of the Basque country also worries Joxeja Zabalo: “Compared to other peoples, there are many languages in our country and that is being lost. In addition, people know Basque, but often unfounded, falseful; most of the expressions are translations into Spanish, not originating from the Basque Country”. In fact, in Irun there are a lot of people who live in Castilan-speaking environments: “At AEK I play popular songs – says Idoia Genua- and I’m still amazed, among the 45-year-olds living Sad in Bilintx and because they don’t know it, the melody doesn’t make them known either. See what punishment we've had here, what isolates we've lived." With young people, Zabalo experiences similar situations: “In the colonies, with the young, I mean the young Euskaldunes, we organize a Ginkana on music, and a song by Laboa or Furra, they did not know the furra, they did not know who Benito Lertxundi was… In the daily life some children live around Castilian: at home, with the friends of the neighborhood, in free time… If these people have been Euskera knows it’s

And for them to think and do in Euskera, Genua believes that you have to gain natural spaces beyond artificial activities: “Seeing our reality, I see it necessary to organize activities, although artificial, such as Mintzalagun, but that would bring it to the nearest environment, so that it is taught in a more natural way: to start with friends in Euskera, working the nearby environment and activating the Euskaldunes of the environment; that is where we must enter.” For example, in Euskaltegi, guided tours are organized so that those who are not natural groups can develop the relationship in Euskera and that they can do so in other contexts. In Zabalo’s words, the key is to reach people: “As a monitor, for example, if you manage to deepen my relationship with the young person, to create friendship ensuring that the communication between the two is in Basque, the result will be more effective. After all, with the simple fact of repeating them to speak in Basque we do not achieve anything among the young, but if we come to the person and work attitude, sensitivity, media… yes”. According to the director of AEK, it is necessary to convey to the citizens that the Basque Country opens new paths, that the Basque Country offers many positive things, a whole world, the possibility of establishing new relationships…

In Irun there are activities related to the Basque Country, bertsolaris and bertsolaris dinners, audiovisual projections, exits, stays, workshops for children and adults related to gastronomy or other interests... Sometimes, as a large city, it is difficult to make the activities known to the citizens. It is curious, yes, that in a city of Castilian taste you have to put barriers several times: The Basque Cultural Group has held Gastronomic Meetings, in which women over 50 years of age have been quoted and knowing that in Irun this profile is mostly Spanish, they have been offered in Spanish, with the objective of at least getting closer to the association so that they see the work they are doing in the association and that they bring information in Basque.

Popular food milestone

In addition to the activities specifically prepared for the promotion of Euskera, it is a good way to influence that Euskera is one of the basic pillars in initiatives based on other interests and needs. In Irun there are examples of this: in the festivities there was no Crew Day, until in 2009, after five years of dispute with the City Hall, Betti Gotti started popular food. Breakfast, the Olympics and popular food is now celebrated and is very successful among the young Irunans: The latest edition of the festival brought together over 1,600 people. One of the main objectives is for the attendees to speak in Basque, and to do so they take measures, from the activities of the morning to the end, giving explanations and the rest in Basque, taking care of the music that is put in place, giving priority to the Basque in the t-shirt competition – as indicated in the bases –, making responsible Euskaldunes, distributing headscarves with slogans in Basque…

The atmosphere, however, is not always as Basque as you want, because even if all the forces and means are put in place, the result is also in the hands of those who participate. Instead of forcing them to speak in Euskera, Zabalo believes that the success of food can be taken advantage of to continue to be a bridge: “In a city like Irun, the offer is not limited to the Basque people, it is open to everyone who wants it, and what it does in Spanish can also be attracted to the Basque people, it can turn the situation around, especially with the young people”.

There is a need for initiatives organized specifically in Irun to promote the Basque country, “otherwise we would not have created Betti Gotti”, says Zabalo, but, as with popular food, the interviewees believe that the Basque country has to be integrated into the rest of the activities, which has to be something transversal. Genua has recalled that in the city there are many ingrained acts and that in them the use of the Basque country must be strengthened. From AEK a few years ago an attempt was made to normalize the Basque in the Alarde to live the festivities in Euskera; that is, to translate to the Basque the orders of the general and the other authorities (Su! This type, very simple) and was proposed to the authorities to tell it in Euskera. Today, according to the company, they use one language or another in the Alarde de Always, but the orders are in Spanish; however, in the Alarde Igualitario, which was created later, they are given in Basque.

Zabalo has set an example more connected to the daily life: In Irun there are 36 gastronomic societies, the majority of Euskaltzales, but there are still labels and notices to be translated, “and there are Euskaldun people, but it is a matter of attitude, not so much passivity, but of glasses, knives… see written and not draw attention, as if we had assimilated that this is normal”. The awareness that this does not have to be normal, the challenge faced by the Basque Country of Irun.

An important step in partnership

The Basque associations of Irun have taken a significant step: On the occasion of the celebration of Basque Day for a month (AEKerobika, special walks, singing meals, drawing competitions and photography…), all of them have carried out a joint programme. Moreover, Euskaltzales associations (neighborhood associations, gastronomic associations, sports associations, photo society of Irun…) have also surrounded and been fundamental to reach more people and involve new people, both in the organization of events and in participation. “Many associations don’t know where to go, but they have a good attitude and are willing to help,” says Genua, and it’s interesting to break that path.

The Basque Day has also opened the door to work the meeting between the agents of the Basque Country through the union of forces: “Here we were doing things inside the house and we didn’t get together. On the occasion of Basque Day, it was very useful to see what others are doing. Each one will continue with their work, but at the same time we should get together more, know what the other does, foster collaboration…”, said Zabalo. This exchange has, for example, enabled AEK to be brought closer to the members of Irunabar Bertso Bilgunea in order to present the Segment berts(i)or album they have published. “Getting out of everyday crazy dynamics and taking into account what others are doing, we would have to plan all year round together, little by little we are on that path,” Genua insisted.

Joxeja Zabalo, for its part, has criticised the fact that the City Hall does not sufficiently recognize and recognize the work of the Basque associations in this area.

What can the citizen do?

The agents of Euskera have stressed that the individual can also do a lot for himself. “People don’t speak the first word in Euskera – the director of the Euskaltegi tells us – we are always waiting for the other to do so, for example, when we enter a store; we doubt that the other also knows it in Euskera, and we go to the places with the uncertainty that we want to avoid uncomfortable postures. On the contrary, it is best to implement the mechanism itself, without waiting for anyone, because one is the best teacher. There is much that Euskera knows in the surroundings and even if he does not know it, speaking slowly, we will understand it with the bus driver ‘Dos a Hondarribia’ or the tabernacle ‘Dos zuritos’”. Betti, a member of Gotti, also considers the formula appropriate, as it extends the use of the Basque Country, without prejudice to communication: “It’s in us, if we don’t guarantee our language, no one else will.” In addition, as Genua says, “Irun is the heart of the Basque Country.”

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