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Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

With a 1% audience, about 20,000 people. That's the number of viewers who followed the ETB1 'Tumatxak' show on Sunday night. The programme presented by Zuhaitz Gurrutxaga seems to be a source of satisfaction, insufficient in some cases, but numerous in others, it is clear that at least there have been clashes between vinyls, cassettes and old albums stacked on the shelves. A sample of what Basque music has given in the last five decades, investigating the history and stories of a lot of musicians, performing valuable documentation and interviews.

It appears that it has already played – at least for the time being – but musicians who have dressed it in such sensitive and surprising versions still live: Napoka Iriak and Joseba Irazoki. Taking advantage of this and to offer the opportunity to enjoy these versions live, Tumatxak and Gurrutxaga organised a night last December 26 at the Kafe Antzokia in Donostia.

Unfortunately, the attendees were only able to hear half of the versions of the program. Joseba Irazoki couldn't offer the concert for tonsillitis. Winter, somewhere, attacks the gorges of the survivors. What a pity! It would have been beautiful to see him play Bird, Eperas or Sarri, soaked in sweat and with his usual passion for the direct ones.

But all damage has its good side. In order not to miss the Beratarras, we were given a beer to each spectator, and Zuhaitz Gurrutxaga was in charge of setting up the DOKA with a monologue who mixed two or three songs. As the trust of a player in the monologue, he launched himself to self-irony, demonstrating that he knows how to mock himself and take advantage of his (possible) deficiencies. It's no small virtue. Although at first I noticed a little coldness, the references to the program team and the problems that emerged in the recordings made me laugh. He took the guitar and offered, with dignity, some of the songs that have been protagonists of Tumatxak.

Then it was the turn of the elgoibartars Miren Narbaiza and Ander Mujika, and Napoka Iriarena, in the bertsos section. They have taken the responsibility of making courageous versions, and there is a great job behind every song n.Esta late, they put in front of us the journey they have made far, starting from the root of songs like Aitormena or Emostazu muxutxue. Sweet melodies and slow rhythms manage to marry dark voices and strong punch lines. It is hard to understand without hearing, but they reach the fondo.La version of the song Loa Looa was one of the main examples of that moving darkness. The Basque version of the song Izarren hautsa also deserves special mention.

To learn how to breathe again -- excellent, by the way -- the setlist was completed with the songs on the record. Among them, they also played the song Kontra, which stands out for being stronger than the rest. It is even more beautiful with Felix Buff and Iban Urizar, who have collaborated in the recording and in various concerts, but also in the regular duo format are able to take advantage of each song. If in a few years' time someone does something similar to Tumatxak, Napoka Iria will have to make an inevitable hole.

Be that as it may. That there should be more programmes of this kind, and even more nights of this kind, but that, if possible, should be the following with Irazoki.

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