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Herri identitatea indartzen

  • Anoetan, herritarren arteko harreman sareak sortzeko beharra ikusi zuten. Hala, herri identitatea indartzeko auzolan kulturala beharrezkoa zela ondorioztatu zuten. Ekimen bat baino gehiago, herriaren funtzionamendua ulertzeko modu bat da.

Dantza-sokak dantza tradizional ugari batzen ditu eta 50eko hamarkadan egiteari utzi bazioten ere, 2003an Anoetako gazteek berpiztu zuten.
Dantza-sokak dantza tradizional ugari batzen ditu eta 50eko hamarkadan egiteari utzi bazioten ere, 2003an Anoetako gazteek berpiztu zuten.

Joan den mendean, biztanleria laukoiztu egin zuen Tolosaldeko Anoeta herriak. Euskal Herriko beste txoko ugaritan bezala, jende asko finkatu zen bertan, industrializazioari lotuta sortutako lanpostuak direla-eta. Mikel Errazkin historialariaren arabera, prozesu horrek herritarren arteko harremanetan eragin zuzena izan zuen, “herri berria” baizen. Hala ere, azken 60 urteetan ere auzolana baliatuz hainbat ekimen egin dituzte anoetarrek. Besteak beste, Errazkinek Komunitate baten herrigintza lanean aipatzen dituen pilotaleku berria, Madril-Irun trenbideko geltokia eta Herri Ikastola.

Udalak argi ikusi zuen ez zuela nahi Anoeta “lo toki hutsa” izan zedin, batez ere gazteei begira. Gogoeta horren baitan, auzolan kulturala sustatu zuten: herritarrak herriarekin identifikatuta senti daitezen bertako kultur adierazpenetako subjektu izatea. Alegia, parte-hartzea eta auzolana oinarri dituzten ekintzak bultzatzea.

Herria abian jartzen duen errota

Auzolan kulturala azaltzeko kultur errotaren metafora erabiltzen dute. Ogi ona atera ahal izateko, fabrikazio prozesuan parte hartzen duten elementu guztiek funtzionamendurako eta behar denerako lotura egokia izan behar dute. Lehengaia, azpiegiturak eta energia sortzailea behar dira. Anoetan, elkarlanean dabiltzan kolektiboek osatzen dute errota eta Errazkinek aipatu liburuan zerrendatu ditu: Ikastola, Gazte Asanblada, Alkartasuna jubilatuen elkartea, Loatzo musika eskola, Txolarre Kultur Elkartea eta Ziripot aisialdi taldea dira, beste hainbaten artean, herri identitatearen ogia egunero osatzen duten elementuak.

Kolektibo bakoitzaren indarraz gain, kultur espazio berrien sorrera ere garrantzitsua dela pentsatu zuten. Horregatik, anoetar guztientzako ekimenak antolatzeari ekin zioten, horietako batzuk garai bateko ohiturak eguneratuz. Adibide garbiena dantza-sokaren berreskuratzea izan da: euskal dantza tradizional ugari batzen ditu eta 50eko hamarkadan egiteari utzi bazioten ere, 2003an herriko gazteek berpiztu zuten. Herriko ohitura zaharra zena eguneratu eta Inauteri aurreko larunbatean dantzatzen dute (lehen San Joan egunean egiten zuten). Izan ere, eguna herriko festetatik at izateak berezko indarra ematen dio. Bestalde, emakumeari festan espazio propioa eman nahi izan zaio.

Anoetarrenak diren sinboloak ere berreskuratzen jardun dira, kukua kasu. Tolosaldean ohitura dago herri bakoitzeko biztanleei ezizena jartzeko, eta amezketarrak euliak eta andoaindarrak hontzak diren moduan, anoetarrei kuku deitu izan zaie. Hegazti honen irudia herritarren adierazgarri gisa indartu dute azken urteotan. Festetako protagonista izateaz gain, herriko armarri berrian jartzea erabaki dute.

You are interested in the channel: Auzolan esperientziak
2024-11-22 |
Through the baskets, Errigora will make the greatest contribution to the Basque culture of Navarre: EUR 230.000
In the last Puzka campaign, more than 16,000 baskets have been sold, and the benefit will go to the associations working for the Basque country.

2024-10-24 | Leire Ibar
Errigora’s “Euskarari puzka” campaign is underway
The aim of the initiative is to provide financial support to the agents working in the empowerment of the Basque Country. To make the contribution you will be able to buy baskets of local products from 24 October to 14 November.

Launch the Queen's Spring Campaign under the motto 'Resist Ours'
In Errigora, applications can be made for lots of support products to farmers in the central and coastal area of Navarra and to the Basque industry. Through web eus. Yesterday and until 13 March the campaign 'Resist Us' was launched, one of the baskets can be completed and ordered... [+]

Errigorri has sold over 14,000 baskets and will allocate EUR 185,000 to the Basque industry
Ten years ago they started with baskets and raised EUR 2 million.  

Errigora, ten years to Basque
In the anniversary commemoration campaign they want to bring out a unique and "round" basket of 50 euros and a giant photo that will join the community. Applications for baskets may be made until 9 November.

2023-10-11 | Leire Artola Arin
Peasant women, fundamental and forgotten
If we had to imagine a farmer governing animals or guiding the tractor, we would surely imagine an adult man. However, the baserritars interviewed for this report have shown us that behind this folkloric imaginary there are countless ways of living in the field that are not... [+]

Euskaldunes in central and southern Navarre so that children can practice Basque also in their free time
In the middle and south Navarre, many children learn Basque but have little chance of using it. The Basque Buttocks Jolasteka were born with the objective of enjoying free time in Basque in these towns. During this course, the project will cover a minimum of 16 villages, 22... [+]

Auzolan and collaboration in fire-fighting
Last summer the fires left a dark panorama in Navarra, burning 95% of the lands of San Martín de Unx in the photo. Much was said in the media about the damage caused by the fires, but how did you face the context in which more and more fires can occur? The interviewees in this... [+]

Seven producers of Errigora will serve as of September in 20 dining rooms
Seven of the producers that are part of the Heading participate with adaptations in the format and supply of dining rooms. They prepare the products present in the vegetable gardens of the Ager area. The organization notes that the introduction of these products in the dining... [+]

2023-04-05 |
Errigorri will distribute 120,000 litres of oil in 9,000 applications
In total, 9,000 applications have been received for the initiative for food sovereignty and the Basque Country in the spring campaign "Hand in hand". Soon they will reach every corner of Euskal Herria.

They have created an identifying errigor from four values
Euskera, food sovereignty and the promotion of neighborhood work are the Queen's most important objectives. They started in 2013 with five producers, but today they are already 23, so they have felt obliged to take another step: the Errigora identification.

2022-12-22 | ARGIA
Errigorri raised EUR 85,000 in the summer fire campaign
In June Navarre suffered unprecedented fire damage. The Errigora initiative launched a collection in July to channel the conclusions and promote "land friendly models". They have raised 85,000 euros thanks to the contributions of associations, municipalities and individuals from... [+]

2022-11-15 |
Errigorri gives way to Euskaraldia after a new campaign of success
The campaign, under the slogan “The time has come to join”, will allow 13,000 baskets to be distributed over the coming days and will allocate an economic contribution of EUR 200,000 to Basque culture projects in the Ager area. The Basque phase will begin on November 18 and... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude