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Domes and seles also in the menu of the Larre-Gain steelworks

  • To know the cider culture by visiting the environment. Hernani’s Larre-Gain steelworks, in collaboration with the Gipuzkoako Parketxe Sarea Foundation (GPS), expanded this offer last fall. The sidreria is located at the gates of the natural park of Aiako Harria, and they have taken advantage of the rich cultural landscape surrounding it.
Mendi buelta eginda, sagardoaren prozesua zein den eta abar erakusten dute Larre-Gainen. Sagardotegiko otorduarekin bukatzen dute bisita. (Arg: Dani Blanco)
Mendi buelta eginda, sagardoaren prozesua zein den eta abar erakusten dute Larre-Gainen. Sagardotegiko otorduarekin bukatzen dute bisita. (Arg: Dani Blanco)

Since the same Larre-Gain, the GPS Foundation has prepared a guided tour of a couple of hours to get to know the natural park of Aiako Harria. The park captures the area from Irun to Hernani, but in this case it is an area that extends around the Urumea River, due to its cultural landscape richness and natural values. The visitor has the opportunity to show places, meet animals, plants and trees of the Basque Country and see the remains that the human being has left over the years. The organizers also say that it is not a hard walk and that everyone is able to do it. In the same Larre-Gain they show us the cider process, the utensils they use, the differences of the before and now lagars, the types of apples they use, etc. And they end the visit with the food of the steelworks.

In these environments we can find various remains left by humans: These are domes with a date of between 5,000 and 6,000 years, and medieval sarons have also been found that have only been found in the Basque Country. The GPS Foundation, in collaboration with Larre-Gain, aims to raise awareness of the environment for citizens to love and care for them. Some know the place as the Licit Mountains of the Urumea, which was a communal land, a mountain site that was once managed and organized by the citizenry. The selfies were part of this organization. The seals are the circular areas that were marked in the area to control livestock and the exploitation of the fields and that some have linked to megalitism. In Hernani, it seems that the XI-XII. Subaltern staff To make the circle, they marked the first center, they placed a stone in it called austerity or artamugarria, and then they made the circle with a rope or a kind of compass. The austerity or chandelier of the center remains in place, as seen in the tour. These marked circular areas defined the area of each livestock group. They could come out of the sun, but by dusk they had to go back to the block. In this way, the farm was measured and only native cattle were used. If in the evening they caught an animal out of their place, they would rapture it.

Sidrería open to the public since 1995

Larre-Gain’s family has been producing cider for years. However, the possibility of opening up to the public dates back to 1995, when meals are held in txotx season. About 130 diners. The old lagar remains exposed in its previous place, inside the building, although what is now used for work is another. The sidrero of the area, Joxe Lasarte, has stressed that the apple that has been lacking for years has brought it from outside, but that if today they do not have enough with their apple they bring it from the surroundings, that of the Basque Country. Therefore, the one who approaches Larre-Gaina can enjoy a juice made with native apple.

Most of the Hernani quarries are outside the Osinaga Valley, on the road to the Ereñozu district in the Epele district. However, in txotx season it is well connected with the town, as the bus goes up there on weekends. Lasarte says that people coming from the outside know many times only the bus that runs into the other area, but that the other area also has its service. It also advises those who have an interest in going to the week, to say so calmly at the time of booking, as they know that people often want to avoid the risks of the roads and that if it is a small group, something could be done.

They say that for steelworks, as in most fields, they have been better times. Everyone is playing new cards with their uniqueness and what they can offer, and Larre-Gain has an advantage over the environment. Previously, although they were not part of an open offer, these types of walks and meals have been carried out with organized groups. But now, with the help of the GPS Foundation, they wanted to take the leap. The strength that the txotx season has acquired in recent years is not limited to cider. They want to make people aware of the importance of the area to see and value the wealth we have. Instead of just coming to the sewer to eat, they aim to offer them the possibility to spend the morning or the afternoon.

Although kupelas only open in txotx time, this new option is valid for the whole year. They also prepare special visits for schools. In these cases the food is suppressed and only the excursion and the visit to the steelworks is carried out. A plan that combines nature, history and culture is valid for all ages, and can be carried out at school, in friends or family.

Bisita gidatuak

Larre-Gainen (943 55 58 46) antzeko plana egiteko aukera ematen dute, besteak beste, honako sagardotegiek ere:

Aburuza (Aduna) 943 69 24 52
Zabala (Aduna) 943 69 07 74
Iparragirre (Hernani) 943 55 03 28
Ola (Irun) 943 62 31 30
Satxota (Aia) 943 83 57 38
Kalonge (Igeldo) 943 21 32 51
Bereziartua (Astigarraga) 943 55 57 98
Petritegi (Astigarraga) 943 45 71 88
Oiharte (Zerain) 943 50 10 13
Añota (Azpeitia) 943 81 20 92
Uxarte (Amorebieta-Etxano) 946 30 88 15

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