In 1996 Peter Adamo published the book Eat right for your type. It soon became the best seller and was translated into over 50 languages. According to this naturopathic, the consumption of food according to the blood group, besides affecting weight loss, can help prevent diseases of viral or bacterial origin such as cancer, diabetes or circulatory diseases.
According to Adamo, group 0 is the oldest of humans, from the time of hunters and collectors. Therefore, people in this group should eat protein-rich foods (meat, fish). On the contrary, Group A of blood appeared in the Neolithic alongside agriculture, and people who suffer from it should be devotees of plants and fruits.
On January 15, PlosOne magazine published an article signed by Dr. Ahmed El-Sohemy of the University of Toronto. According to the researcher, there is no relationship between the type of blood and the type of food. The El-Sohemy team, with an analysis of 1,455 people, concluded that the factors that determine both weight loss and the tendency to the disease are the same in all blood groups. I mean, you belong to the blood group you belong to, if you eat less, you'll lose weight and you need to avoid the same thing to prevent diabetes as cancer.
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