Electric and hybrid vehicles are more expensive than thermal vehicles, sometimes the price can be double. But if we take into account the total duration of the vehicle, i.e. the maintenance costs and the wheel exchange costs that it has while in our hands, what is the real price difference?
Next, we will try to clarify the question in the following two tables.
Without taking into account possible breakdowns, it is clear that electric vehicles are the least expensive maintenance, both on the engine and on the wheels. On the contrary, the highest cost is for hybrids.
Electric vehicles have fewer mechanical parts for maintenance and, in addition, being lighter than conventional vehicles, wheels are longer in duration. Conversely, hybrid vehicles have two types of engines and more maintenance elements. They are also heavier than conventional vehicles and wheels wear away earlier.
However, despite the fact that the maintenance costs of electric vehicles are much lower than those of any thermal vehicle, the total cost of electric vehicles (purchase + maintenance) is much higher than that of thermal vehicles.
Adding fuel to the above-mentioned costs makes it almost certain that the electric vehicle will be cheaper than the thermal one. However, it will be necessary to expand the network of charging points and increase the autonomy of the vehicles in order to make the leap.
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