Look at Narbaiza and Ander Mujika have learned to breathe again. They have filled the lungs with pure air through their second long work in a natural way, without arrogance or excessive ambition. The front clothes have been removed, undressed and re-dressed.
The album "Arnasten ikasi berriz" was published at the end of 2013, almost three years after his previous work, 'Lehertarazi', was recorded in public in the Zabalotegi room in Bergara. The two albums are by Napoka Iria, as the melody of Napoka Iria is clearly perceived in the two: Miren's beautiful voice and her way of singing and playing acoustic guitar, and Ander's electric guitar, a special and personal way to use her pedals and other instruments.
However, variations can be observed between the discs. On the one hand, the melodies of the voice are heard at smaller intervals than on the previous album; on the other hand, the tension that accumulated to certain points of the first songs is more dispersed; the adaptations are more atmospheric in general and transmit suggestive and even mysterious moments.
After all, they express more than before with less and, as the title of the penultimate piece of the album says, they have been dressed as farewell. The intimate, emotional environment is what predominates in the disc to learn how to breathe again. You can hear beautiful melodies with details and nuances, without any adornment that can be left over.
The album starts soft, with the songs of Etxeorratz (“Those who see you from below we sink continuously at your feet”) and Next to walking (“I filled with courage the magullings of the soul, the calls of the body spirit lost in oblivion”).In the third song “You are afraid of ice because you are afraid of being asleep”, a touch of the electric guitar breaks us a little
I have also been drawn to the special atmosphere of the song (“I have opened my eyes to the need to look away, to revive with the need to gather”) and the rhythm of the drums and the drawings of the electric guitar of the end lead us to another side.
In contrast (“Don’t leave you, terror takes you out of control, of this trick”) the electric guitar and voice are strengthened and heard stronger, and in the song “I know, we are lost in the maze of relationships, decided, close or distant”, we have detected a conversation between noises and sounds and the acoustic arpeggio, and the voice of Mirén.
Finally, the song At a Distance (“I am in the heart of the forest, wet the two feet on the rails, swelling my skin so I can’t breathe… start by the void”) puts a golden brooch on the disc, with the sound of the trumpet and the harmoniea.La recording, production,
presentation and design are well made. The album is easily heard, as it lasts just over half an hour. Besides playing and singing the acoustic guitar, Miren has taken pictures; and Ander has played the electric guitar, the lap steel, the fagot, and in addition to making choirs, he has also been in charge of the design tasks. The other participants in the album have been: Felix Buff (percussion), Iban Urizar (trumpet and harmonie), Ibai Gogortza (guitar, bass and production), Iñigo Irazoki (recording and blending), Jonan Ordorika (mastering) and Josu Torrealday (photography).
Look and Ander are two creators of Napoka Iria. The new work is a mirror of the experiences and events that have been experienced throughout this time. They've completed an inner journey that has touched our hearts. Every song brings us to a field, or rather, to an environment, and we've started to reflect, to remember, or just to feel.
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