Malus x domestica, the old apple tree. For pruning the lower branches without closing the wounds. The air, like a lightning strike, would devastate them, or the weight of the beloved fruits of a good year of apple made life impossible... The craving for life is obvious, it has the ups at the ends, drooling. If there is not anyone who wants to cut his neck for ugly, he will live many years. That passion for survival is known, as in trees, in few living things. He attacked his tongue. And does the tongue, sucking sweat, hurt you or are you one of those people who sweeten your life? I also know how to be sweet in the weak...
192 milioi sagar 2024. urtean. Segundoero sei sagarretik gora saltzen du Britainia Handiko Tesco supermerkatu kate han ezagunak; ia 27.000 tona. Zenbaki ikusgarriak dira baina are harrigarrigoak dira bertokoak, Ingalaterrako sagarrak direla jakinda.
The McIntosh apple is mostly seen in computers, tablets, sepals and advertising. His logo marks very well what it is, the author got it right; it's an apple he lacks, as if someone had bitten him. And that's that McIntosha is a delicacy.
It's a Canadian national apple, because it's... [+]
The truth is that, outside the meadows of our house, I don't know in Euskal Herria this variety of apples. It has a long history, it's better to feel to read.
Our grandmother, Joxepa Aizpurua Irazu, was born when she was then Sidrería Aizpurua. It was previously a lagar... [+]
Sagardoaren Jatorri Izendapenak aukera itzelak ematen dituen tresna den arren, Euskal Sagardoa martxan jarri zenetik bildu den lehen uztan sagarraren prezio tamalgarriak mantendu dira.