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Literary Adventure

  • The truth is, Peru Magdalena Elkar, 2003

The truth is, I don't know how to define Peru Magdalena's latest work: a long story, a novel, an adventure about writing a novel, a novel about an adventure. In any case, the book itself gives us a kind of definition through two derivations of the sufix -tura. A quest in physical life: adventure. And what returns to the page of life: literature (236). pag. ).

The truth is, as the book is called, it starts in a normal way. As Arri and Kleo speak, we will know that Arri hides things from Mary. Arri is a character in favor of love and enjoyment of life. That is, “it seemed incomprehensible, more inconceivable than incomprehensible, to settle for a single life” (p. 13). Possessing that philosophy, “things are not what they look like,” “lives so many lives in one,” and in those phrases Kimu’s father believed, who once left to Mongolia and never returned. But actually, who was Arri?

Artist, singer, poet, member of the Basque Government, etc. There are all kinds of versions of Arri. So, dazzled by the search for truth, Kimu will revive the journey her father once made: “But a journey cannot be remade. Making a trip means making the way” (145. pag. ). This is how Kimu, in the third part of the book, narrator of his adventure and, without noticing, author of the literature, appears. Little by little, what was the search for truth becomes a personal interpretation, starting to emerge from that encounter a new branch. Kimu will finally understand the meaning of his name.

At times the story has been too long for me, even boring in some cases. In addition to the conflict between father and son, the ideas of the initiation journey do not seem original. It seemed to me that the micro-narratives and the injected testimonies of those who met their father weigh the pace, although I understand that they have had to be used to shape the conflict that the book has launched.

What has helped me hold the book? What has led me to believe in him? The opportunity it offers for the occurrence. I mean, I've found my own suffix -tura in sentences, comments or literary references that go beyond the narrative thread of history. And that's what I hope from literature -- that through fiction, I can delve into the knowledge of reality.

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