When you get up early in the morning, even if you wake up with your stomach tightly and very flat, you will notice that it swells as the day progresses. This happens to one in three women, but the problem can be solved.
In most cases, inflation is not an extraordinary problem. Under normal conditions, inside the stomach are 100 cubic millimeters of gas. But sometimes, this amount increases, and because of the tendency of some people to retain fluid, and because of the difficulties that blood and lymph can have to travel through the body, the flat stomach at the beginning of the day swells and increases.
The accumulation of gases and secretions inside the womb may be due to:
Excessive protein intake. Fats of animal origin, especially those of red origin, produce many substances as residues that hinder digestion. This causes the gases that inflate the stomach to accumulate. But don't worry, anyway. Do not stop eating these fats, as the body necessarily needs to repair worn and damaged cells and create new ones. That is why I would recommend that among animal fats you only take the healthiest ones: white meats, fish, or nuts, such as nuts.
Carbonated beverages and heavy and painful dinners. Both have the main consequences of gas and inflammation. So the last meal of the day should be light, trying to make dinner with as little fat as possible.
Lie down after eating and sit for a long time. The decubitus alters digestion and the second rhythms of blood and slows down lymphatic circulation. This will cause fluid to build up in the middle and lower part of the body.
Hormonal incidents and constipation. In the case of women, the stomach swells more in the days before the month and in the menopause. Even when the stool is “trapped” in the body. Daily intake of yogurt is a very important aid, as it is a probiotic food: yogurt bacteria improve the work of the intestinal flora.
Society imposes its rules on us. Although the ideas in the previous section are clear, it is often impossible for our lifestyle to be as healthy as we would like. For this reason, here are some simple tips that you can easily fulfill:
Eat little. Do about six meals a day, calm and eating everything, without discarding any food group, but without abuse or abuse.
Reduce sweets and the sal.La amount of salt throughout the day should not exceed five grams. Instead, parsley, cumin, chives, oregano and other species and herbs may be used.
Improve your attitude when walking. If you are inclined, your belly muscles will relax and your belly will swell.
Take infusions. Sage infusions are very beneficial when the cause of stomach inflation is heartburn or reflux. Green tea and apples accelerate digestion.
Do not practice sport after meals. Physical exercise makes digestion difficult, in addition to the severity and inflammation of the stomach. But this inconvenience is not enough reason to stop doing sport. Spend 20 minutes a day on physical exercise and your body will remove more toxins and better drain the secretions. That will reduce the sensation of bloating, of course.
Washington (EE.UU. ), 1807. The US Constitution banned transatlantic slave trade. This does not mean that slavery has been abolished, but that the main source of the slaves has been interrupted. Thus, slave women became the only way to “produce” new slaves.
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Four years!
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