The tree of love and the tree of Judah, the Cercis siliquastrum, the name of the same tree, the pair! Love betrays many times! Isn't Judea the nest of betrayal? The Corner of Religions...
In addition to hypocrisy, religions have mercy on others, a true pity. The Judy sold would also have a lame... At least the trees of Judah. A tree, a plant...
The Juda tree can be an excellent partner of apples, pears, olive groves and other fruit trees. Well, yeah. An insect named Psla has a habit of attacking Judea. This pepper extends until the month of June, and in spring the predators of the genera Orius, Chrysoperla and, above all, Anthocoris that devour it are surrounded. As they have nothing to eat from June onwards, the other pills that are then in full purity are moved to eat in the fruit trees next door. Juda allows the biological control of this pest from other trees. The psyche does not cause significant damage in apples, pears and olive trees, but the molasses or sweet poop expelled by its nymphs attack the fungi and the fruits become dirty and viscous. Juda for clean fruits and good presence.
The bush of Buddleja davidii, called David's budle or the bush of butterflies, does a similar job. It is modified in vegetable and fruit corners. In summer it has a spectacular flowering, it opens up large groups of conical flowers, full of nectars and smells, to which thousands of butterflies are astonished. It also presents branches in the form of a cane, empty inside. This section is used by many beneficial wasps for the construction of their nests. These wasps end with the caterpillars of many insects capable of producing pests. The bush has been declared an invader, and some biologists and ecologists can't see it in sight. They have declared him a holy war. Although it is able to capture abandoned land and prevent the development of the natives, it knows how to do favors. Who knows if a plant is Jewish or not? And who will prevent the epidemic of Biologists and Ecologists?
Even though the butterflies’ bush, such as the bambues (Arundo donax), the saúcos (Sambucus nigra), the deutziak (Deutzia gracilis), etc., die in war, have similar simple twigs ready to receive the beneficial birds.
Some plants have a special custom: they are wilting, martising. The leaves wilt, but do not fall and remain suspended until the next spring. When the new sweat swells your eyes, it will break the handle of the peduncle and collapse. The best known are Ametza (Quercus pyrenaica)... [+]
Gehien egin didaten galderetako bat izango da: hortentsia noiz eta nola inausi behar dut? Bada, hemen erantzuna, Zeraingo Benefiziaduneko hormaren babesean.
Hortentsiak, neguan begietan gordeta jasotzen ditu hurrengo udaberrian irekiko dituen loreak. Era berean zuhaixka da... [+]
Intsusa mirakuluzkoaren loraldia baliatu al dugu? Bere lore ginbailen siropa edo ardoa edo dena delakoa egiteko sasoia joan da. Aurten eguraldiak ibili duen bisajearekin, sekula baino beranduago eta luzeago ireki ditu lore gozoak intsusak (Sambucus nigra).
Geroxeago irekitzen... [+]
Aurtengoan ere berandu nabil. Beti da berandu eta, eskerrak. Urtero udaberriaren bihotzean loratzen den intsusaz (Sambucus nigra) zerbait idaztea gustuko dut. Corylus avellana hurritzaren antzera baztertua dugu, eta niri ez gustatzen... Bi kriskitinek gogorarazi didate... [+]