After the demonstration you yourself mentioned the “new time”. Tell him he needs a continuation. How can you keep track of it?
Since the ETA decision of two years ago we have on many occasions ratified the unavoidable need to consolidate the peace and coexistence process, expressing our commitment to take all necessary steps to this end. In this endeavor, and understanding the prohibition imposed by the government of the PP, totally unacceptable from the point of view of defense of basic public freedoms, as a decision designed to severely hamper the process itself, we face sharing the call for the demonstration. We have sent a clear message to Madrid: we are not going to let the peace process deteriorate, because it is fundamental to this people. By the way, the message is clear to all the other actors, including the Left Abertzale and ETA: that everyone should do their own thing.
“We think that we too have a role as a party.” How do you see the PNV in that sense?
Each agent has its responsibilities and functions. That is why we have promoted Parliament’s Paper and the Government has launched the Coexistence Project. I sincerely believe that we are being honest, on the one hand, in the attempt to put an end to the immobilism of the Spanish Government, to abandon the emergency legislation. And on the other hand, ETA can also do what it has to do.
The PSE-EE and pp have charged against the demonstration and against the PNV, which has been rejected. What do you have to say about the attitude of these parties?
We were not surprised at anything new. The goal of Peace and Coexistence is not a partisan but a social goal. That is why I believe that the involvement of all political actors is necessary. But the People’s Party is making the recognition of the political strength of the Abertzale Left unacceptable, which escapes from the “winning – defeated” scheme. And both the pp and the PSE, as always, are attracted more than anyone by the coincidence of the Basque forces.
Do you think that, following the events in Bilbao, ETA will take further steps?
ETA has to disarm. Furthermore, what are you going to use the weapons that you are not going to use? Society is waiting for this disarmament of the et. And Saturday's can make it very useful for you to decide once and for all. Excuses should be withdrawn from the Government of Madrid in order to maintain its position.
In what direction should ETA take steps? How do you see the work of the Abertzale left in that sense?
The cessation of ETA’s activity came about by the unilateral decision of the Political Abertzale Left, which was rejected. Two years later, the EPPK has shown its intentions. The PP Government continues to insist on the blockade that is taking place. "As long as ETA does not disappear," he added, "they will not change their attitude." Therefore, being consistent with the logic of unilaterality and unlocking the situation, it is clear what the next steps are called for from the Abertzale Left and ETA. As we called for on Saturday, to make progress on the solution.
Several people and social partners have referred to the time of Lizarra-Garazi. Has that been the way? Can a new road be opened?
Season. We are dealing with different processes and the times, logics and tasks of each are different. The demonstration on Saturday, in addition to dealing with the ban, responded to the need for a peace process: human rights, resolution and peace. From there, there is the work to respond to the challenges of our society, to deal with the crisis and to transform the political will of the people. We in Parliament have a permanent opportunity to explain the extent of our willingness to reach agreements between us.
What is the situation of the Government of Mariano Rajoy following the demonstration in Bilbao? Do you see how the lockdown can be overcome?
The “colossal” or “giant” manifestations that have been carried out so far have not had much value... It is true that Saturday has had an added qualitative value. I would therefore ask the Rajoy Government to make an appropriate reading, not only on prison policy, but also on what coexistence in general entails. And make decisions that help, not others.
Ekintza “indartsuagoak eta determinatuagoak” iragarri dituzte, euskal presoen auziaren konponbidean Frantziako Gobernuaren “borondate eza” ikusita.
Larunbatean Donostiako Bulebarretik abiatu zen preso gaixoen aldeko manifestazioak milaka lagun bildu zituen. Sarek antolaturiko ekimenak arratsaldeko bostak aldera ekin zion ibilbideari “Larriki gaixo dauden euskal presoak etxera. Giza eskubideak. Konponbidea... [+]
Bere jarrera argi utzi du EAJk. Bat-bateko aldaketarik eman ezean, ez da Sarek antolatutako presoen aldeko manifestaziora joango urtarrilaren 10ean. Iazko manifestazioan egon bazen, egoera “ezohikoa” zelako izan zela esan du alderdi jeltzaleak.
Azken hilabeteetako gertakariei buruz ETAk egiten duen irakurketa argitaratu du Gara egunkariak. Erakunde armatuak urtarrilaren 11ko manifestazioa “inflexio une” gisa hartu du eta “urrats esanguratsuak” iragarri ditu gatazkaren konponbidera bidean.
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In this year that has just ended, there are two things that have completely marked the scope of Basque political prisoners.
On the one hand we have the ruling that has come from Strasbourg and on the other hand the Social Forum that has come from different actors who have... [+]
Manifestazioek ez dute espetxe politikarik aldatzen Jorge Fernandez Díaz Espainiako Barne ministroaren esanetan, baina PPn mugimenduak ekartzen dituzte. Asteazkenean Arantza Quiroga EAEko popularren burua eta Mariano Rajoy Espainiako presidentea bildu dira eta erabaki... [+]
Gaur Deia egunkarian Hasier Arraiz Sortuko presidenteak idatzitako iritzi artikuluan, Bilboko manifestazioaren deitzaile izan ziren guztien eskuzabaltasuna eta ardura politikoa nabarmendu ditu, eta batik bat EAJren EBBko presidente Andoni Ortuzarren jarrera. Manifestazio... [+]
Aste honetan ARGIA berezia argitaratuko dugu joan den larunbatean Bilbon egin zen konponbidearen aldeko manifestazioa jorratzeko.
Josu Erkoreka Eusko Jaurlaritzako bozeramaileak balorazio positiboa egin du “Giza eskubideak, konponbidea, bakea” manifestazioaz. Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Gobernu Batzordearen ostean egin ditu adierazpenak.
Andoni Ortuzar EAJko EBBko presidenteak adierazi du sei hilabeteko epean Euskal Herriko gatazka konpontzeko prozesuak “aurrerapen esanguratsuak” izatea espero duela.