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Start the road as a town

16 January 2014

In this year that has just ended, there are two things that have completely marked the scope of Basque political prisoners.

On the one hand we have the ruling that has come from Strasbourg and on the other hand the Social Forum that has come from different actors who have participated in Aiete. And hence, at the same time, the package of multilateral recommendations that has been derived.

Two things are very different but they have a very important common point, because both have called into question the cruel prison policy being pursued by the Spanish Government. Because they have both told him that it is enough, that the time has come to put a prison policy in the direction of the solution, because they cannot continue to violate and sacrifice basic human rights, subject to a sterile and absolutely off-the-shelf anti-terrorist policy.

And in this context, we have seen prisoners executed with much longer prison terms than they were. And in this context, and in particular, in keeping with the recommendations of the Social Forum, we have seen people who have already become ex-prisoners and the entire group of prisoners reaffirming their commitment to the process that has been opened up so far and making a determined commitment to feed and move forward.

There is no doubt that the group of prisoners has taken a step forward in the communiqué or in the contribution it made on 27 December. He has said a great deal. He has made further reflections on responsibilities, the recognition of multilateral suffering, the gradual return… they have spoken clearly in that communiqué.

I believe that in any part of the world that is considered “civilized”, such a step should mark a turning point in prison policy, at least to raise emergency measures and, probably, to bring about profound changes.

But the Spanish Government has said no, that it will respond to this step by maintaining dispersion, and that it will respond to individual demands with the legislation of scepticism – a law created precisely for the only official account of the “winners and losers”.

Until last week we could say that the state did not listen to Strasbourg, the Social Forum, Basque society, the group of prisoners, and it remained rarefied in the megalytic attitude of provoking the blockade.

Unfortunately, however, this week we have seen that, rather than insensibly, it has presented its more aggressive face, so as not to hinder the path of political solutions that do not interest it.

But at the same time we have seen what the road is and who has to be the protagonist. As a people, we have responded to the discouragement that has come from Spain, which has been a demonstration of enormous strength.

What we need now is to reflect, to make decisions and to take the path from the response as a people to overcome the blockade and nostalgia in Spain and to advance in the solution.

* Amaia IZKO, lawyer and spokesperson for the Sortu.

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