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The female buffoon voice as a bridge

16 January 2014
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The monologue Compota was introduced in December under the name of Dxusturi teatroa by actress Eneritz Artetxe and director Pablo Ibarluzea. They have carried out a work based on the bufon technique, based on the text The compote of... by Philippe Gaulier, teacher on this road. Antton Lukuk has been in charge of translating the text into Basque.

The Compota was presented within the Zubi initiative, in the context of the Durango Fair, within the space Szenatokia. The Zubi initiative was launched by seven members of Euskal Herria (San Agustin de Durango, Zornotza aretoa, Elorrioko Arriola aretoa, Kultur Leioa, Laboratorio Vasco Artedrama de Aulesti, the arts factory of Harri Xuri-Karrika de Luhuso and the Teatro Azar). The Zubi initiative supports the new creations throughout their process, that is, it provides resources and infrastructures to facilitate their creative process, undertakes to premise the work and disseminate it again in different theatres. These types of initiatives are particularly relevant because, on the one hand, they contribute to the creation as a whole and, on the other, to reverse the scheme of the trenches face-to-face, seeking communication between programmers and creators, seeking new forms of collaborative management of existing infrastructures and resources.

In this sense, the premiere of the Durango Fair was an important event, and was followed by a large audience from the theater world. Eneritz Artetxe strongly defended the new work on stage. With the aesthetic and costume of Azegiñe Urigoitia, accompanied by a scenery as basic as beautiful by Iñaki Ziarrusta. The authors demonstrated in the act a background work with Compota, occasionally creating poetic compositions consistent with the scarce scenic resources. It wasn't an easy challenge: the text had a great weight, a great strength in safe paper, but it was complex to bring it into the physical world on the table. The text is a dark comedy, written for a buffoon and full of irony. In this work, Artetxe embraces many aspects of the bufon world: it combines reflection with a violent irony, the use of the body in part shrunk, explosions that radically transform the faces from one moment to another, such as social masks...

The Zubi initiative and its first fruit, the Compota theater play, have brought extraordinary news to the Basque theatre. It is good news, because a premiere in Euskera is always welcome, even more so if it is the result of a solid creative process; exceptional, because there are few ways that support from its base the creative processes in Euskal Herria, arising, as the organizers say, “of a joint reflection”, among other things, to help professionalization, as far as possible, among the creators who make innovative proposals, and with it facilitate the work of programmers.

After going through Durango and Lezo in December, in the coming months, Konota will reach several theaters, including Amorebieta-Etxano, Leioa, Gernika and Kanbora, thanks to the sponsorship of Zubiri.

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