During the first three decades of the 20th century, young Lekuona was fascinated by the currents that flourished in Europe and immersed himself fully in those waters while still living in Madrid, where he studied to be a mate. Some of the ideas that were then in the mouthpiece included Futurism, Russian Constructivism or French and German Surrealism, and adapted to their form.
Although he worked in a number of artistic fields, experts tend to place special emphasis on the work done in photomontage. The collage was the preferred medium of the time, but unlike those who followed the European trend, Lekuona vistified his works with social and political criticism. Most of them were created between 1932 and 1935, and focused on two themes: the world of workers and peasants and those related to war. He rejected the symbolism of capitalism and war and created images related to women and sport. In addition to artists, their technique has been a reference to be taken into account for many years, both for those who have realized afixas and covers of magazines and books.
The steps taken in the photograph have also been admired, especially in December, in the celebrations of the centenary of its birth. The Ortzadar Photographic Society of Ordizia, for example, has honored the son of the people through the exhibition The current reading of an avant-garde 1913-2013. Eleven photographers of the association –Amaia Oararteta, Iñaki Sánchez, Francisco Albarrán, Iñaki Hidalgo, José Miguel Romero, Javier Quirós, Miguel Cavero, Julen Sainz, Omar Ben Miloud, Ángel Fernández and Aitzol Arruabarrena– conducted an essay to reinterpret the photographs and montages of the authors. Like the avant-garde, photographers took advantage of 35 and 50 mm optics, giving special importance to the humorous binomial drama.
He had often worked on death and had several times staged theirs, as if he guessed what was going to happen to him. ==Death==Lekuona died in the war, under Francoist bombs, during the work of a wave carrier. Interestingly, he defended this side when they occupied Ordizia.
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