In 2014, it is 100 years since the beginning of the First World War, and it seems that the centenary has aroused the interest of historians in the conflict. Two well-known historians speak of the origin of war in their new works: Margaret McMillan The War That Ended Peace: The Road to 1914 and Max Hastings premieres Catastrophe. But they are not the only ones who have broken through the long tunnel of the Great War: David Stevenson, Christopher Clarke, Scott Anderson and Kevin Brazier have also published their work on the eve of the centenary of the publication of their latest work.
Philadelphia, USA, 11 July 1838. John Wanamaker is born, an entrepreneur who will then have a great influence on the marketing world. He started working in the commercial area with his brother-in-law at the age of 22. They both opened a store and the business gradually grew.
In... [+]
Wu Ming literatur kolektiboaren Proletkult (2018) “objektu narratibo” berriak sozialismoa eta zientzia fikzioa lotzen ditu, Sobiet Batasuneko zientzia fikzio klasikoaren aitzindari izan zen Izar gorria (1908) nobela eta haren egile Aleksandr Bogdanov boltxebikearen... [+]
Sobietar Batasuna, 1920ko azaroaren 18a. Sobieten Gobernu Zentralak abortua legeztatzeko dekretua onartu zuen, historian lehenengoz. Handik aurrera, librea izateaz gain, doakoa ere izango zen. Urte batzuetan behintzat.
Moskuko Plaza Gorriaren izena nondik datorren pentsatzean bi aukera bururatu ohi zaizkigu...
Krimeako konkista zuzendu zuen militarrak, Ukrainako gobernadore Grigori Potemkinek (1739-1791) Katalina II.a erreginari aurkeztu zizkion herri idilikoak faltsuak omen ziren. Hortik dator “Potemkin herria” esamoldea.