The objective of Azkue Fundazioa and Argia is, through this competition, to increase the contents of Basque in the network. On the other hand, it is intended to give value to those who are already bloggers and those who are already beginning to stick. Gorka Bereziartua, journalist of Argia, said in the presentation of the project that “we want to give a different dimension to the contribution that each one makes to the Basque Country with his blog, and also it will be an incentive for the Euskaldunes that have not yet been encouraged to write the blog”.
Five prizes will be distributed. In the first one will be awarded the best blog related to culture: film, literature, fashion, kitchen, enology, music... In the second, there will be room for journalism, for history, for the humanities, for economics, for education, for law. The third prize will cover leisure issues: sport, travel... In the fourth, science and technology: health, informatics, architecture, nature... The fifth prize will be special and will be awarded to the best blog post in Basque created in 2013.
The five winners will receive a work of contemporary art specially designed by the artist Bernat Vidal for the Azkue Foundation and will receive a cheque of 200 euros to spend on the Fnac store. The fifth prize, that of the new Basque blogger, will be awarded by Argia and the winner will receive a double prize: on the one hand, you will get a one-year subscription to the magazine Argia and, on the other, you will be able to collaborate in various areas of Argia, such as paper, internet and multimedia.
There are two ways to vote on the blog you like the most: on the one hand, by registering on the web each day you will be able to vote for a blog. On the other hand, on the social network Twitter, using the tag #blogs and writing the URL of the blog you would like to vote below, the votes will be counted. On Twitter, as on the website, you will be able to vote on a blog daily. The votes of the public will be 50% and those of the jury, composed of experts, the other half. In the final phase, the jury will choose the five winners from the three finalists.
The awards ceremony will take place on March 6, at the blog conference to be held at the Basque House in Bilbao. In these days the blogs will be worked from a theoretical-practical communication, then the bloggers who work in a non-professional way, based on their experiences, and finally a round table will be held with the references of the Basque bloggers.
The winners of the competition will receive the trophies at the end of the conference.
Lehiaketan parte hartzeko edo lehiakideak bozkatzeko webgunean sartu. Urtarrilaren 26ra arteko epea dago lehiaketan parte hartzeko eta urtarrilaren 27tik otsailaren 16ra bitartean bozkatzeko aukera izango da.
Azkue Fundazioak sustaturiko lehiaketako irabazleen berri eman eta sariak banatu dituzte ostegun arratsaldean Euskararen Etxean egindako ekitaldian. Blog berriaren saria 52 milimetro argazki blogak eraman du.
Blogetan! lehiaketako hamabi finalisten arteko irabazleak ezagutaraziko dituzte 18:30etatik aurrera, Bilboko Euskararen Etxean egingo den ekitaldian, ARGIAk "blog berriaren" saria eskainiko du. Aurretik euskal blogarien topaketa izango da eta streaming bidez ere ikus... [+]
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Parte hartzeko epea urtarrilaren 16tik otsailaren 13ra bitartean egongo da zabalik. Epaimahaiak martxoaren 30an emango ditu ezagutzera irabazleak, Euskararen Etxean ospatuko den jardunaldi eta sari-banaketan.
Hiru urte izan dira. Gutxi, tarte horretan egin dutenarekin konparatuz: martxan jarri zenetik Elearazi bloga hazten joan da, itzulpengintzatik abiatuta euskal literaturari buruzko erreferentziazko gune bihurtzeraino. Orain, agur esan du Garazi Arrularen (Tafalla, 1987) eta... [+]
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Gaur iluntzean egingo da Blogetan! Blog izarren bila euskarazko blogen lehiaketako sari banaketa, Bilboko Euskararen Etxean. Lehenago blogen inguruko mahai-inguru eta hitzaldiak izango dira.
Blogetan, blog izarren bila lehiaketako finalistak internautek hautatu dituzte. Publikoaren iritzia aintzat hartuta, epaimahaikideek bigarren bozketa egin eta irabazleen izenak martxoaren 6an emango dira ezagutzera.
Blogak bozkatzeko unea heldu da! #Blogetan Euskal blogariak lehian txapelketaren hurrengo faseari ekingo diogu eta gaurtik hasita eta otsailak 16ra arte edozeinek gustoko dituen blogen alde botoa emateko aukera izango du.