Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Gomite to balance in the air

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

On the 6th of this month, the filmmaker singer Maddi Zubeldia presented her new album, Hamaika Ihes, in the Baltsan association of Ziburu. Surrounded by fellow countrymen and friends, he has offered the first performance of his first album.

Not only that is why he presented himself to the public, but also behaved with the H-Eds company, quiet, natural and unscrupulous.
Published in 2010. So, as now, it was thrown by the musicians' friends that make up the H-Eden group. These songs were simply versions of consecrated singers. Cozy, sweet and entertaining.

Maddi Zubeldia has not been born the day before yesterday, nor has she started singing yesterday, but she has come to the market with a new song. Then we underline his courage: “Dedicated to teaching, educating children and young people – and I)castas – he has dared to express his internal concerns and desires with music.”

The ten songs of eleven tracks are yours, both the lyrics and the melodies. He sang all the songs in Baltsan, balanced in the air, in the same line as the album. The first, little by little, with the ornamentation of a single instrument, elegant. Sweet confession of love. Without confessing it, love can last.

Urrixka, Maitasun tta, Igurikatzen, Seaska is pure… In the following four songs the proximity of the musicians was gradually warming the singer. Maddi's voice vibrated sweetly in his friends' musical notes. Love is the longing as an expression of words, passions and laughter also prevail. The song Igurikatzen, although written in the past, still sounds, unfortunately.

But it's not all random, as in life. The song "Dry Belly Woman" led us to Franco. Perhaps it is an indicator of the origin of Maddi Zubeldia! ? He established the persecutor and the persecutor each other. The song can be a drain of tears that have not been shed in the past.

We traveled to Ireland on the swing of the song Red is The Rose. The roses are red, perhaps eternal love. Anthem. Classical Irish. The expression of the diversity of the Basques, perhaps. The Irish have almost lost Gaelic, we retweet Euskera in one way or another, and fortunately. In the absence of their language, at least we savor the air of their songs. I felt the nostalgia for having lost something when I heard Éire's air fluttering around us.

A rocket came running. To my liking, instead of choosing one, the most fine-tuned and accomplished song. Because the message of words and the tone of the air is swinging in society. In tribute to the title or the pinpilinpaux, yes.

The Dantzaris and Akerrak brought us to the plaza through the songs of the H-Eden group, to remember that it is on Edena Street or Paraíso. A town that sings and dances will not die. In the sheep's square, in the sheep's square!

The last print on the album is La rengaine des amoreux. The singer made us tour the sidewalks of Paris with her music and tones. Or… The ciboure brought us to sing love and nostalgia on the sidewalks of Paris. Where do we stand! What universal are the Basques!

Whoever wants has who can listen and where, whoever wants, what to see and what to learn.

Her musicians' friends protect her with affection and talent. To my ear, though, musicians lowered Maddi's voice in some passages. In any case, the presence of the musician Arkaitz Miner is, among other things, a prize for work among friends and a mirror on the road.

The album Hamaika Ihes is a marvel of what with few means you can do dignified work. The recording is performed in Xano Halsouet's simple Xanoker studio. At the premises of Urruña, in the labortana locality of Eden Edena. Hence, apparently, the name of the H-Ed team.

It is said that the name means being, the name also means it somewhere. However, the H-Eden people are not prepared to rest. To go to your corner or to your plaza, you have to go! I was waiting for you!

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