Nelson Mandela's death took many pages of newspapers around the world and many minutes of television channels. We have seen that the cynicism and hypocrisy of many politicians and governments has been appalling, because they have sought to appropriate their image with the opposite of that of Mandela. Like it was one of them. And Mandela wasn't one of them. He was an activist for equality and against apartheid, so he was sentenced to several years in prison. Mandela opposed South African apartheid. We have ours in Euskal Herria and we have to fight it.
Our particular apartheid, this inequality and social exclusion, has many faces. There are 3,000 people who do not have a home to sleep in Euskal Herria – in 2013 in Bizkaia six people died when they were homeless in the street. More than 203,000 unemployed. Youth unemployment has exceeded CAV GDP by 42%. The annual wage of women is 27% lower than that of men, according to the NGO. Income Guarantee Income (IGR) reaches 62,000 people and many other families receive social emergency aid. There are hundreds of evictions because they can't afford the mortgage. CAV food banks serve some 98,000 citizens. Thousands of immigrants are overcrowded in ghettos. There are thousands of pensioners who survive on EUR 500.
To combat this apartheid is to fight for equality and, therefore, against capitalism that enables these economic, social and labour inequalities. It is to fight against the dismantling of the welfare state, against tax fraud, which discriminates against the poor. It is to fight against the anti-social measures imposed by the governments that manage capitalism. Many of these governments joined the Mandela farewell, in which they spoke in favour of the South African leader. The apartheid in which Mandela fought is precisely protected.
Lurmutur Hiria (Hegoafrika), 1990eko otsailaren 11. Nelson Mandela aske utzi zuten, 27 urtez giltzapean egon ondoren.
Gaur, abenduak 5, munduko agintariak Nelson Rolihlahla Mandelaren izaera goraipatzen ari dira, heriotzaren laugarren urteurrenarekin bat. Hegoafrikako Apartheidaren aurkako borrokan “terrorista” izandakoa, bakearen aldeko ikur dugu egun, baita gerra eta biolentzia... [+]
All symbols are manipulable, but some more than others. Che Guevara remains the emblem of young insurgents, as well as adorning fashion garments. The moment Mandela’s praise has reached the sky above, Lenin’s statue has been torn down and destroyed by right-wing protesters... [+]
Ehortzi dute Nelson Mandela, Hegoafrikako lehen presidente demokratikoa. Qunu jaioterrian izan da, estatu hileta baten ostean.
Sinbolo guztiak dira manipulagarriak, baina batzuk gehiago besteak baino. Che Guevarak gazte matxinatuen ikurra izaten jarraitzen du, halaber, modako arropen apaingarri. Mandelaren laudorioak goiko zeruraino iritsi diren unean Leninen estatua lurreratu eta txikitu dute... [+]
Hegoafrikako lehenengo presidente beltza izan zen Mandela eta apartheidaren aurkako ikur nagusia. Atzo hil zen 95 urte zituela, Johannesburgoko bere etxean senideek inguratuta. Estatu hileta abenduaren 15ean egingo dute.
Nelson Mandelaren osasun egoera makurrak mundu mailako kezka eta ikusmina sortu du. Herrialdeko presidentetzak iragarri du igande arratsaldean Mandelaren egoera kritikoa dela eta medikuak beren eskuetan den guztia egiten ari direla.
Nelson Mandela ospitalean dago beste behin, biriketako infekzioa dela eta. Azken urtean hainbat aldiz ospitalizatu badute ere, 94 urteko liderraren gertukoen erreakzioek oso egoera larrian dagoela iradokitzen dute.