Damián Muñoz and Virginia García, on the stage of the Arriaga Theatre, have welcomed me in the essays of their latest work, Best of you. The young musician Clara Peya, newly signed by the company, has put Steinway on the black grand piano. The Catalan musician has composed music for this new work, which directly accompanies the movements of García and Muñoz to the piano. From the stage, the theater armchair resembles a Chinese restaurant full of red lights.
The Gasteiztarras dancers founded in 1996 the contemporary dance company La intrusa, and have since represented several plays, including Ataraxia, Three Sad Streaptess, Delta Victor and Manso Rojo. However, they live in Catalonia and Italy because of the impossibility of developing their work in the Basque Country. However, every time they create a new job they return, “even though in Euskal Herria we are rarely programmed,” according to García. Recently they have made a tour around Mexico and the United States, and for next year they do not miss appointments, as the work will be shown in several festivals in Catalonia and Mexico.
At the end of November, Best of You was presented in the Gelatxoa programme, which is being held in Bilbao at the initiative of the Arriaga Theatre. The next stop to see the play will be on December 28, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, the program Baratza aretoan.Gelatxoa has a particularity: as they are small format shows, the stage of the theater is shared with the public. In this case, we enjoyed the movements of dantzaris and live music a few meters from the seat. They danced from one to one, from two to three, and from three to three, the young singer Clara Peya, in addition to showing her dexterity on the piano, offered some dance steps, and the dancer Damián Muñoz also played the piano for a few moments, probably with classes taught by Peya.
Virginia García immersed herself enthusiastically, showing her courage and frailty to the same extent. Although he is a very strong dancer, he moves on tiptoe, his way of dancing is ethereal.
Best of You is a piece about tension and calm. The word also has room in this work. This is the interview between Peya and García: “Was that the best of you?/ Yes./ Is that? Nothing else?/ Nothing else./ I expected something more alive./ Defines what vitality is./ ...(dance with intensity)/ Do you feel better?/ Yes./ Quiet?/ No./ What do you need?/ Voltage./ What for?/ Not to fall.”
Diziplina: Dantza garaikidea.
Konpainia: La Intrusa.
Sorkuntza eta zuzendaritza: Damian Muñoz eta Virginia Garcia.
Dramaturgia: Virginia Garcia.
Interpreteak: Damian Muñoz, Virginia Garcia, Clara Peya.
Musika: Clara Peya.
Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.
Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.