I have visited old friends in Cantabria. The difference in the climate from east Gipuzkoa to there, and its influence on the vegetation, has always drawn my attention. From Gipuzkoa to Bizkaia and Cantabria the weather is warming. Palm trees, graznids -- they felt another joy. And in the house of friends the avocado (Persea americana) was bounced from fruit. We ate matured avocados in the tree... Imagine our joy. Someone has once told me that in another time, in our country, in a palace, there was a great avocado and its fruits had sounded in the region. Because of the climate change we're experiencing, I'm going to have to change a few examples.
Pasa den igandean ospatu zuten estatubatuarrek beren kirol ekitaldi nagusietakoa, Super Bowla. Donald Trumpek gidatzen duen AEBtako gobernu berria Mexikorekiko mesfidantza zabaltzen ari den bitartean, futbol amerikarreko partidan zehar gehien jandako gutizietako bat guakamole... [+]