Last year it was 500 years since Castile and Aragon conquered Navarra. “Ideally the festival would be done last year, but the situation did not allow it and we had to postpone it,” said Mikel Lasarte, a member of Ortzadar. In fact, the City of Barañain has offered them this year the place and the resources needed to carry out the festival.
The Garaztarrak de Alur and Nafarroa Beherea groups in Gipuzkoa have taken the lead in the initiative, together with Ortzadar. The two groups have on many occasions offered a show on the conquest of Navarre, but they have rarely done so in Navarre. Lasarte has stressed that all the shows are created in Basque and that it is important, “in addition to dance, music, songs and language are the basis of folklore”.
1512 The dantzaris of the Alur group led their feet under the title IzanDirau, in the Auditorium of Barañain, on 17 November. According to Elisabete Nosellas of the team, they aimed to turn the story told from the point of view of the winners and bring to light “what was hidden” in Alur. If Navarre was Euskal Herria, Nosellas has raised the question of why it will not be today: “Although the event occurred in 1512, Navarre still has reason to exist.”
The Garaztarrak group of San Juan de Pie de Puerto performs traditional dances, but mixed with contemporary dance make up Kontrapas, which offered on November 10 at the Auditorium of Barañain. It is a program dedicated to the personality of Euskal Herria, which includes music, theatre and poetry. Among other things, he stresses that the Basque country is still alive.
On December 15 will be the turn of the performance of Ortzadar dantza taldea, Librea ninçana, which will close the festival. The dancers will represent the love of Navarre, in a world of suffering and repression. The phrase “What you chained me is what was free” has especially united the love of conquest.
“We want to remember what happened and bring to light the suffering of the citizens,” said Lasarte. Suffering, understood in many ways, being protagonists the inhabitants of a people in peace: those who had to flee to struggle or exile, those who were left without fortune, those who were raped… As a tribute, women will have a great weight “since at that time they played a very important role in overcoming the country”.
But in that darkness, not everything is black. The people of Ortzadar want to show the spectator that the people are standing and to convey a positive message. Lasarte has commented that history or history has come from within, not from the outside.
Even though the axis of the group is traditional dance, the goal is to create a spectacle based on feelings. The sensations of each of the dances have shaped the story in an interrelated way and will make the mark it left in the citizenship felt.
Next year the Ortzadar group will celebrate two birthdays, as the folklore association will be 40 years old, and the 30 days. Ortzadar is eager to learn about the initiatives being taken on them. On the other hand, the creation of the Atlas of the Dances of Navarra is one of the priorities.
Azaroan estreinatu zuen bere lehenengo lana Nagore Tamayo dantzariak (Tolosa, 2000): Nondik abiatu inora izena du, eta Natalia Belén dantzariarekin batera gorpuztu du. Bere herrian egin dugu hitzordua, Zumardi Handian.
Festa egiteko musika eta kontzertu eskaintza ez ezik, erakusketak, hitzaldiak, zine eta antzerki ikuskizunak eta zientoka ekintza kultural antolatu dituzte eragile ugarik Martxoaren 8aren bueltarako. Artikulu honetan, bilduma moduan, zokorrak gisa miatuko ditugu Euskal Herriko... [+]
The idea that we in the dance world often repeat is that dance is ephemeral. The Elhuyar dictionary gives as a counterpart to "ephemeral" English: ephemeral, destructive, perishable, ephemeral, ephemeral, perishable, perishable, ilaun. I don't remember who I first read that idea... [+]
Moor Krad
By: Ertza company.
When: 3 October.
Where: In the Muxikebarri room of Getxo.
Two years later I met the work Moor Krad, in which members of the company Ertza created and premiered the piece. So in 2022, I tried to... [+]
Transmisioa eta dantza taldeetako erreleboa aztertu nahi izan dugu Dantzan Ikasi topaketetan, eta gazte belaunaldiek lan egiteko ereduak ezagutu nahi izan ditugu “Gazteen parte-hartzea euskal dantzan” mahai inguruan: Eder Niño Barakaldoko... [+]