The revolution will in no way come from the garden. History says so, and the dictionary has nothing to say. History needs to have awareness and food, and also words. There are no words without food. The food comes from the flower, from the seed bearing the fruit that the flower will give.
On the paths of evolution, most plants chose the reproductive path of the seed. Not everyone. Ferns, for example, do not. Who knows the fern flower? What about the seed? Ferns took the same path as mushrooms, use spores to reproduce. You don't have to waste energy on flowers and fruits.
More than one has turned that old choice of fruit that had to mature or increase. Plants, in the whirlwind of evolution, try and become new. At the end of these short eyes, thousands of plant changes are happening every day, continuously.
There are those who go crazy in that whirlwind. Plants also know: the crazy is better than the unwise. Some of these crazy people have taken an amazing step. They have abandoned the seed, symbol of reproduction and main means of propagation. I cannot hear the reasons for this resignation. To see who knows, and who does not know how to do anything wrong: one of two: in its evolution, the plant has preferred a reproduction system different from that of the seed or, to the extent that people have domesticated it, has thought that, domesticated, it will reproduce and take care to the extent that our species needs it and has humbled itself to the point of discarding the seed.
Two examples: banana (Musa acuminada, Musa balbisiana or hybrid of both, Musa × paradisiaca) and fig (Ficus carica). The “fruits” are produced by the deterioration of the reproductive system. Does the banana have seed? What about figs? Neither of them. They are sterile fruits, called “parthenocarpus”. No seeds with capacity to produce new plants. “Useless” fruits. Bananas are easily reproduced by the sheath and fig tree by the horn.
These fruits only serve to eat. We will see more and more frogs of this kind. Pear, grape, watermelon -- the strip grows. Seed is an inconvenience when it comes to eating. But plants are becoming, and they will not waste energy: they will soon bear no fruit. In front of our snout. Ah, babu!
192 milioi sagar 2024. urtean. Segundoero sei sagarretik gora saltzen du Britainia Handiko Tesco supermerkatu kate han ezagunak; ia 27.000 tona. Zenbaki ikusgarriak dira baina are harrigarrigoak dira bertokoak, Ingalaterrako sagarrak direla jakinda.
Lagun baten gomendioa dela medio, Nafarroako Gobernuaren altzoko INTIA nekazaritza institutuko Laborantzen Babeserako atalean dagoen jakinarazpengunetik Fruta-arbolen osasun kudeaketa zuzena egiteko kontuan izan behar dituzun gomendioak dokumentua eskuratu dut, eta baita amaren... [+]