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Beijing Idea from London: Why not waste pork food?

  • On 21 November a pig meal was held in Trafalgar Square (London), convened by the Beijing Idea project. Tasting the meat of pigs grown with waste from the population, they have called for cattle grazing with food surpluses, namely pigs, but also for chickens. For the sake of the environment, farmers and, above all, the hungry of the world.
Karolina Webben argazkian, Tristam Stuart hondakinetan aditua eta Thomasina Miers sukaldaria Stepney City Farm etxaldean, Londres erdian, urdeak bazkatzen Wahaca jatetxeetan sobratutako ogi, barazki eta bestelako hondarrekin. Pig Idea zabalduz nahi lukete
Karolina Webben argazkian, Tristam Stuart hondakinetan aditua eta Thomasina Miers sukaldaria Stepney City Farm etxaldean, Londres erdian, urdeak bazkatzen Wahaca jatetxeetan sobratutako ogi, barazki eta bestelako hondarrekin. Pig Idea zabalduz nahi lukete jakiak hobeto probestea mundu guztia ase ahal izateko, txerriak hazten dituzten baserritarrei kosteak apaltzea, hondakinek dirutan eta ingurumenean eragiten dituzten kostuak gutxitzea, munduaren bioaniztasuna hobeto zaintzea, hala nola sojatarako alorren presioagatik Amazonian eta bestetan arriskuan dauden basoak eta jendeak, eta hemen bertan lanpostu berriak sustatzea. Erokeria? Ingalaterran I. Mundu Gerran gobernuak debekatu egin zuen zerriak elikatzea laborez, hauek jendeen asetzeko behar zirelakoan. 2001ean legeak derrigortu du zerri berak labore hutsez haztea, urdeen eta gizakien milaka urteko elkarlana etenez.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Mayor of Orendain, Gorka Egia, was heard in Hernani at the round table entitled The Days of the Compost last October: “In Orendain we will know how many years a pig lives.” An old pig has never been allowed to die around us, much earlier he died to satisfy the appetite of the family. However, in Orendain, the first small population of Zero Zabor in Gipuzkoa, the Ttip and Ttup picks them up with the remains of the fortifications of the local community, so the law does not allow them to eat their meat for fear of contagion.

On the contrary, in the Beijing Idea Feast, porcine products have been disgraced with the remains of Trafalgar Square, the heart of London on 21 November. That is to say, fed with the remnants of food permitted by law, in an act full of demands.

The well-known expert and whistleblower whistleblower Tristam Stuart and cook Thomasina Miers created the Lejanías, well known in England for their television programs and being the owner of the Wahaca restaurants, differentiated in Mexican food. For Trafalgar Square's food, more famous chefs had been brought together.

“Waste: Tristam Stuart, author of the book “Uncover the Global Food Scandal”, organized in the same London Square in 2009 Feed the 5,000, which was denounced by a popular banquet of junk food across the globe.

In this year’s edition, eight pigs have been raised for seven months at the Stepney City Farm in central London. Since 1979 they have been using the orchards and corrals situated 20 minutes walk from the Tower of London, where they have rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, donkeys, sheep and other animals. On the use of the farm for people’s leisure and children’s education, many animals are slaughtered and sold from time to time, “it is important that children know how meat is produced.”

The organisers of the Czech Charter claim that the cleanest, most effective and cheapest way to use food thrown away, as has been done throughout history, is to give it to other human beings, the prefix, which prioritise food banks, pigs.

The pigs Stepney City Farmeko Kortan have today been domesticated under the conditions laid down by strict European legislation, giving discarded bread, fruit, dairy product residues, fruit and vegetables, but not the remains of processed food.

In addition, however, the campaign encourages Europe to change its legislation. In 2001, it was forbidden to feed pigs with our surpluses because of the papacy that spread that year. The proponents of the Cross-Border Charter say that it is enough to pasteurize these waste, to cook it, in order to avoid danger.

Soya for pigs from America

Stuart's calculations estimate that there are a billion people in the world hungry, who could be satisfied with the 40 million tons of food wasted in the United States. In addition, of the husbands and nurseries, half of the produced goes into the trash, spending on bad ways of selling.

Now we feed them with soup from South America, not with the remains of Europeans. Between 1964 and 2004, soy production has increased worldwide from 29 to 200 million tonnes. Europe imports 40 million a year.

Still in Japan, South Korea, China and some states of EE.UU. people are allowed to faint pigs with kitchen debris. The ban in Europe in 2001 has only been detrimental to the Beijing Charter.

Damage to the environment by the collapse of the new fields of cultivation in the tropics, which entails the proliferation of C02 emissions and the deterioration of the lives of local people. If the law were to be amended, the fact that Europe reduces its dependence on these crops would mean, in addition to reducing deforestation, improving the standard of living of the inhabitants of those countries, putting an end to the need to compete with our pigs for food.

The 2001 law has also led to a decrease in European pigs, which in Great Britain have been reduced from 8.1 million to 4.8 million, with crops being increasingly expensive to import, as the baserritars have had to resort to other crops. The promoters of the Chinese Residue claim that pigs could grow cheaper if organic waste from cities were available to them.

If today the European Commission prioritizes composting and bio-metering of this waste, for Stuart and his friends that is the second solution -- after the best it is to give animals. Among other things, because it is much cheaper and more sustainable.

However, the explanations of the Beijing Charter acknowledge that “governments are too reluctant to organise and regulate the feeding of pigs with kitchen waste, because they fear that they do not have the protection of people”. So with one hand, raising, selling and consuming livestock under current laws, they're campaigning with the other hand to change the law.

The damage caused by foot-and-mouth disease around 2001 has meant that the baserritars do not want to replenish the pig meat accounts. All of the people interviewed by The Guardian about the Trafalgar Square festival have spoken this way, as can be seen in the chronicle “Farmers v celebrity chefs in pig diet battle”. One of the representatives of pig breeders says that the pasteurisation of the surpluses for pigs would be too complicated, another underlines the health risks of this system, while the third talks about frivolity in relation to the Hague.

The discussion about pork food is wrapped up in a crisis. If the leftovers of food are reused in the soles of pigs and hens, well and cheap, why insist on banning it, rather than organizing measures to resolve any hygienic doubts that may arise? In the waste prevention week, the Zero Waste Europe movement has highlighted in its collection “Initiatives to reduce food waste”, one of the major efforts to reduce food waste.

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