The lazkaotarra Jonmikel Intsausti has brought together in this work three hobbies: mountaineering, the computer profession and the vascophilous. He has worked for six years. It has not acted alone, it has had the collaboration of members of Ostadar Mendi Taldea, the Basque association Zintzo Mintzo de Urretxu-Zumarraga and experts from different areas related to the mountain.
The dictionary contains more than 6,000 terms, ranging from the Basque to the Spanish, and can be consulted in the inverse sense. The Mountain Dictionary will not be published on paper, among other reasons because they do not have sufficient economic resources to do so. However, it is in the network
According to Intsausti, the mountain is a very wide area for those of Ostadar and therefore have taken into account many areas: botany, climbing, high mountain, geography, speleology, etc.
The dictionary has been nourished through sources such as Hiztegi Batua, Elhuyar, UZEI or Wikipedia. However, the richest source has been the documents written on mountain routes by Ostadar Mendi Taldea for twenty years.
The dictionary can be consulted in letter to letter, you can also do a free search, and it is in full in pdf format.
We are seeing more and more spelling errors in the writings of social networks, not only of young people, but also of the media. Some have become so common that they hardly hurt their eyes.
In this way, we can read in Spanish many things like: "You lose a dog," "It'll be that or k... [+]
Euskaltzaindia's motto is "ekin eta jarrai" ("ekin eta jarrai"), the outlawing of Euskaltzaindia. I don't know why the Academy wasn't outlawed, all three words appeared on its logo. The allegations have been made with less - and (those of one age remember the cassette of The Mondragon... [+]
Euskararen biziberritzea Ipar Euskal Herrian jardunaldia antolatzen du ostiral honetan Baionan Euskaltzaindiak. Euskararen alde egiten dena eta ez dena eztabaidatzeko mementoa izango da. Eragileak eta politikariak bilduko dira egun osoan.
In a one-hour commute to the workplace, I am accompanied by the car radio. On yesterday's journey, I had the opportunity to enjoy a short story program, as the last port of the road, full of curves, began in Karrantza. Short legends, yes, of few words, but stories of great... [+]