To make the problem of gender violence visible, to give support to the groups involved and to make it the broadest possible sector of society, the musician Itsaso Gutiérrez Retolaza has created the eten project. Through her, and with her main musical device, she has organized a disco and a great concert.
Itsaso Gutierrez Retolaza is very insistent, especially since he decided to navigate in the direction dictated by his instinct, without obeying anyone. He did so as a musician, after being part of other projects for a long time, starting on his own the ON group: from a total control of the process and the project and assuming the sovereignty; and working and building a solid discourse on the issues that most concern: persecutions, difficulties and obstacles suffered by women.
And that is that, besides taking the helm of music and his life, he is more aware that he is a woman and that he wants to fight for it. Thus, the experiences of harassment experienced in her family and in her skin have wanted to take a step further, ignited by flames and enraged by the social perpetuation of gender violence. “When I learned that support for groups working against mistreatment has decreased considerably, I decided that I had to do something in my area to help fund those groups and raise awareness, that is, through music,” the Donostia musician said.
Think and do. This is how the Eten project came about. In recent years he began collecting songs written in Euskera on gender violence and has created a collection of records to present them on November 25, International Day of Abuse. The album, which brings together 22 themes, is for sale at a price of six euros. “The proceeds from the sale are intended to cover the production costs and distribute the profits from the sale among the groups working against gender-based violence.”
With this initiative, Itsaso Gutierrez has pursued three objectives: to address this serious problem that we have incorporated into
our society; to promote reflection on the subject; and to involve some artists of culture in this struggle to better socialize the problem that we must avoid as soon as possible.
Within the project eten, a concert will be offered on 30 November at the Plateruena Kafe Antzokia in Durango. Some of the groups that have participated in the collection and many others that do not have so far song related to the theme will take part in the recital. In total, eighteen groups of all tastes and styles will act on stage. In fact, the plurality of the groups that have participated in both initiatives is a reflection of the dissemination and concern of the subject.
Noiz: Azaroaren 30ean, 22:00etan.
Non: Durangon, Plateruena Kafe Antzokian.
Taldeak: Itxaro Borda + Ekhi Vegas / Amaia Zubiria / Anje Duhalde / Xabi Solano / Rafa Rueda / Soka! / Soharro / NX / Humus / Izate / Ero / Nekez / Niketz / Herri Oihua / Petti / Mursego / Ain_1 / ON.
Sarrera: 10 euro. Sarrera + CDa
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