The soundtrack of the streets of Vitoria-Gasteiz was founded in 1983, when it was made up of Hertzainak, La Polla Records and company. 30 years later, as much as it has changed, radio waves are still soaked with music. So what better than a musical tribute to celebrate the anniversary?
Musicians and groups in the area flew with the idea of making a version of a song that emerged in the Basque Country in the last three decades. Izaki Gardenak, Bronze, Betagari, etc. They've brought to their style the melodies of Ruper Ordorika, Itoiz or Potato. While satisfying the nostalgic, the result is a collection that can leave unargued the excessively nostalgia lgicos.Hoy in the day you can also enjoy the music nights or the great evenings. Ask those of us who were at the concert organized at the Gasteiz Gaztetxe to present the album differently.
The night started with a simple and strong pop from Xabier Montoia. Gasteiztarra was assisted by Luis Fernández and Ibon Rodríguez, who worked on the cello and piano respectively. He wanted to play at home, and although at first he seemed a little shy, he soon began to move around the stage from one corner to another, on a soft scale, immersed in the songs’ rhythms and sensitive words. However, he offered us the most original song: Never recorded questions.
The darkest thing of the night was the unstoppable murmur of some listeners who just wanted to listen to electric guitars, although they don't deserve that name. Montoia was expressed ironically, without getting the suspension. The last song the trio offered, however, covered every conversation. Very important PRB! ! Version of the song Janariak from plastic group. The screams and rapid movements of the arms evoked the Montoia that some of us have only seen in the videos.
Then the Italian Quintet Sumision City Blues (SCB) took over the idea of warming the atmosphere. The Gasteiztarras produce an intense blues rock, which, thanks to the attitude and lyrics of Iñaki Urbizu, also has from punk. Although his voice failed at some points, the singer who was part of Obligations directed the concert with a master’s degree, drawing everyone’s attention with provocative attitudes and ingenious phrases. But the two guitars are the main protagonists. The continued succession of The Victims of the Chacal alone was one of the most memorable moments of the night.
The viewers were already looking forward to hearing the Sexty Sexers Navarros. The Quinteto de Bera has been sleeping since 2010 and it was Gasteiz’s the first concert they have played in the Basque Country since then. The stop has given way to other projects: ZaKillers, Muturbeltz, SCB, Joseba B. Lenoir… But the enthusiasm of the three years was noticeable in the group; although they say they have a new album in their head, they wanted to start with the ones directly before they started doing so. The Inaxio Agara battery has just joined and therefore have returned to its original formation.
They went up hard to the stage, wanting, with a balanced repertoire that drinks from all the edited discs. They remain a whole group: a solid rhythm base, an expert guitarist and Mikel Larrathe’s voice that doesn’t fail. The band's intense rock skyrocketed even when it seemed impossible to overcome the previous one. But when we thought we were done at the culminating moment, they stood up and came back on the stage to offer us a couple more songs. Unfortunately, they were unable to match the strength of their predecessors. But you'll have to forgive them, after three years of standstill, because they owe us a lot of songs.
Looking back – and let’s not say in Vitoria- we have to listen and applaud, but nostalgic nostalgia, rock and roll has never left us. Neither did the Quintet of Bera go too far, but they have returned together and with the same strength as ever. Are you a little ridiculous?
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