Those who do not repent are thus called the novel by the young writer Itxaso Araque. The 248 pages that make up the book are read fluently and pleasantly, for various reasons. Three characters, three scenes, three stories and three narrators.
Stuart, Andreas and Naroa star in the three stories collected here. Three young people, perhaps, show a generation of about 30 years, spread across so many other European cities: Berlin, Milan and London. As cosmopolitanism is evident, there is also no shortage of the problems encountered in the massive big cities: the success and risks of ambition, the gross social hierarchy and the importance of social status, corruption of power, violent individualism, the difficulty of “real” relations.
The internal debate comes when all those values that govern the system, and to a large extent our lives, lead to a certain exclusion from personal principles: we have to do a lot of things that we don't like in life. We can't always do what our minds send us. Whether we want it or not, we need money to survive (e.g. 191). In psychoanalytical terms, the tension between the self and the other self has seemed to me to be one of the constants of the novel that unites the stories of the protagonists, each in their personal expression.
They tell us that as children we can get everything we want and encourage us to create dreams (p. 192). We live under a discourse that pushes us to succeed and, for different reasons, we acquire the habit of not listening to our desires. At one point, however, you realize that you miss out on what you have left on the road (e.g. 185), and the characters feel powerless to move on. At that tipping point, trapped between the past and the present, they try to redirect the dreams of youth, at a point of repentance or not from what they have done so far.
The reader becomes a witness to this trajectory of the characters; when we see their fears and uncertainties discussing with the outside world, once again, we assume the consciousness of a society in which we participate.
These are the reasons why he does not regret having come to the book of Itxaso Araque Barriuso.
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