It is a reflection of someone who follows policy matters primarily in the media, although he has occasionally drunk from extraordinary sources. A reflection by someone who is convinced that politics has gone beyond parties and institutions. Other complementary.
It's been two years since that week that marked the milestone. This heat has followed ups and downs, including chills, indicating that the heart and head don't have to be the same temperature. Therefore, when entering the new strategic wager it is good to assume that the road is made underway, in transition, at variable speed, continuously feeding the course, putting new milestones, learning on the journey, reinforcing the conditions and enjoying the joys of the moment. But everything that exists and what does not exist, necessarily understood within a process.
The process is the key, much more than a one-dimensional policy. As has been read in an editorial, a three-dimensional policy, with social nudges, taking risks, abandoning once and for all the taboos, truly transversal... in short, a policy of change. I would add another element: the scale, in space and in time, because both measure the credibility of a wager, and what is not credible has no future even if it is present. Some incidents may be related to this.
In fact, the long-term objective necessarily has short-term directions. Credible perspective on all deadlines. Let us not limit the roadmap to the area of conflict, all bets need a roadmap!, even more so in the crisis. Because before the last morning. Therefore, the scale remains, I feel the different areas of the sovereign left. Parliament of Gasteiz, Parliament of Pamplona, Government of Gipuzkoa, Northern Basque Country, Udalbiltza... And the truth is that I find it hard to pick up the strands of these spheres of influence on a clear and comprehensive roadmap. They kill me. A leap too great, in my view, from today’s inevitable pragmatic management towards the future Basque State. Jump to meet all the deadlines. It is therefore up to EH Bildu to draw up its own comprehensive roadmap.
Now we say Euskal Bidea. I would say that the Basque road network, which links space and time to the yoke of political activity. What gives so much importance to tomorrow, dispelling the fear of falling into pragmatism. Without a pause in the main lines and continuously feeding the pulp. Moderate speed three-dimensional network. And, above all, credible to the social majority. Here's the measure.
Azken egunak garrantzi handikoak izan dira Bartzelonan, etxebizitzaren aldeko mugimenduarentzat eta espekulatzaileen aurkako borrokarentzat. Urtarrilaren 28an, polizia-armada batek Raval auzoko Massana Zaharrari [zentro sozial okupatua] eraso egin zion goizaldean, aurrez abisatu... [+]