Sweet times too. Lucien Etxezaharreta, in the previous conversation, celebrates the double face of life. The lyrics of songs by Izan Etxamendi, whether prose or poetry, “everything is poetry in his work: the breath of poetry, better said, the wind fills it, and it is emphasized from the beginning that poetry is song anywhere”. The book has a very interesting epilogue that helps us to place every song and poem in the light of the story and biography of the writer. Some manuscripts have also been added to “taste your beautiful and vivid writing.” Finally, the album comes with the book. Anthology of hen skin of Etxamendi and Larralde (Elkar, 1998).
In this sixth volume dedicated to Ezterenzubiko, Mayo offers the lyrical urgency of those who realized the bitterness, the danger of extinction, the inevitable rupture. The primaries of the author of Aurora, who have not yet arrived in Navarra, have come to our hearts. Many of the words are magical, sung together with Eñaut Larralde, a countryman from Etxamendi who left us in 2012. It became, for example, a hymn “Yup la!” about the attenuating homicide of Carrero Blanco. Therefore, more than one could think that the sociological phenomenon of Etxamendi was as much as music and literature. And it's true, because that generation gave a boost to the revolution, it was our formal beats of the 1950s, which gradually woke up from the defeats of the South and the anesthesia of the North.
However, this book will find in his hands that a tone, very romantic, little ornamental but beautiful, serious but vitalistic, touched him a speech that slept deeply. In this book you will find the sung movie poetry referred to by Itxaro Borda, painful, melancholic, uncommon epic: “The question of our gudaris/ The light of the world/ Covered by orhoitzes/ The Basque people/ You are our guard.” That same beloved poet sings the Basque People in a more intimate way, mixing political and personal pain: “I am in the dream from the mountains of Orbaizeta.” A dream is that of Etxamendi, which has not yet been awakened, that of men and that of nature. It has the clarity of those who believe that the world can change singing, as well as a tendency to description and entrenched lyric. From that combination are born all these words, which produce a kind of pain in the heart.
Goizean jaiki orduko hasten dira desegokitasunak. Beharbada lotarako erabili duzun lastaira ere ez zen egokiena. Baina, ezin ba idatzi desegoki sentiarazten nauten guztiez. Horregatik, udaberriko ekinozioa –egunaren eta gauaren arteko oreka– dela eta, oraindik ere,... [+]
Guardia Zibilaren historia bat - Hemendik alde egiteko arrazoiak izenburupean, datorren astean argitaratuko dugun 305. LARRUN aldizkariaren pasarte batzuk dira ondorengoak, erakunde armatuaren sorrera garaietan girotutakoak.
Rosa Zarra Ertzaintzaren pilotakada baten ondorioz hil zela da Eusko Jaurlaritzako Poliziaren Biktimen Balorazio Batzordeak atera duen ondorioa, Berria-k jakinarazi duenez. Orain arte, Ertzaintzak beti egin dio uko bertsio horri, eta Rosa Zarra berak zuen gaixotasunaren ondorioz... [+]
Nafarroako Ikastolen Elkarteak lehendakari berria du. Oier Sanjurjok hartu dio lekukoa Elena Zabaleta Andresenari. Beste zazpi kide izanen ditu alboan Sanjurjok.
ELA sindikatuak azaldu duenez, azken Lan Eskaintza Publikoaren oinarrien arabera, Ertzaintzarako eskainitako lanpostuen %20ak eta Udaltzaingoaren %30ak ez daukate euskara-eskakizunik. Gasteizen, adibidez, udaltzain-lanpostuen erdietan, 24tan, ez dago euskara-eskakizunik.
Ustez, lokalaren jabetza eskuratu dutenek bidali dituzte sarrailagileak sarraila aldatzera; Ertzaintzak babestuta aritu dira hori egiten. Birundak epaiketa bat irabazi du duela gutxi.
Inoren Ero Ni + Lisabö
Noiz: martxoaren 14an.
Non: Gasteizko Jimmy Jazz aretoan.
Izotz-arriskuaren seinalea autoko pantailatxoan. Urkiola, bere mendilerro eta baso. Kontzertuetara bideko ohiko errituala: Inoren... [+]
Euskalgintzak Senpereko Larraldea etxea faltan botako du. Uda gabe, Bertsularien lagunak, bertan gelditzen den azken elkarteak, lekuz aldatuko du eta etxea hetsiko dute. Euskararen, euskal kulturaren eta arteen ohantzea izan da Larraldea, urte luzetan Andoni Iturrioz mezenasak... [+]
Txinparta izeneko prozesua Martxoaren 21ean hasiko da eta urte bete iraungo du. "Udaberriaren hasierarekin batera proiektu herritar berri bat" aurkeztu nahi dutela adierazi dute.
PP, Vox, Junts eta EAJren botoekin Espainiako Kongresuak onartu du otsoa espezie babestuen zerrendatik ateratzea eta, horren ondorioz, berriz ehizatu ahal izango dute Duero ibaitik iparrera.
Berrogei urte dira Euskal Herrian autismoaren inguruko lehen azterketak eta zerbitzuak hasi zirela. Urte hauetan asko aldatu da autismoaz dakiguna. Uste baino heterogeneoagoa da. Uste baino ohikoagoa. Normalagoa.