Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Defeat and hope

  • The crisis generated by the world of finance has shifted to the real economy and the disabled are being left behind, as a storm. We believed that the Basque economy was going to happen a little faster, but, even if it is later, it is already suffering serious consequences. Now, the burden of the crisis lies with the cooperative giant Fagor.
Fagor Elektrotresnak merkatura mehartuta irtengo da berregituraketa 
gogorra burutu ostean.
Fagor Elektrotresnak merkatura mehartuta irtengo da berregituraketa gogorra burutu ostean.Raul Bogajo / Argazki Press
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
But what happened to Fagor Household Appliances? Like the Mondragon Group, Fagor is in a situation complicated by the desire for constant growth. It has been thought that in order to survive it is necessary to grow and to compete with the gigantic companies in the sector. Something like this has happened to Eroski and is investing a lot of the investments he made, because being large does not guarantee that he has the strength to survive.
Among these enormous investments by Fagor, the acquisition of the French company Brandt, is in the greatest distress in finding outlets to the factory. It has also invested heavily in China, Poland, Morocco and other countries. After all, the strategy of abusive growth has drowned the cooperative.
Fagor Household Appliances will be placed on the market in dire straits after a harsh restructuring. If you want to be competitive, you will have to remove many products from the market. In the meantime, the multinationals that are going to capture the share of the markets lost by Fagor are going to be happy. Suffering for some and joy for others.
As a result, over 1,700 partners and staff will remain on the streets. Some of them will go to the toilet, while some 1,000 members will try to integrate into other cooperatives in the Mondragon Group and others will go to unemployment, while the number of unemployed will continue to rise. The myth we have emphasised so many times will become absolutely insignificant: cooperatives do not generate unemployed people. From now on we can no longer recognize that.
And are they responsible? Of course there are. In fact, they began to say that the phenomenon of construction in Spain smelled of bubbles; everything was published ten years ago by the Weekly The Economist and other journals. But how could you pay attention when the money was being deposited in companies' boxes when it was being exported? Instead of looking for goods of higher value and control measure, expansive production was followed until housing construction in Spain was paralyzed. That's where Fagor's expertise comes from today.
The entities and partners of the Mondragon group lent Fagor some six months ago a sum of EUR 70 million to carry out this bad strategy, but it has done nothing. It was too late to redirect the wrong strategy. Now, it has been tried again to get the money from the Mondragon Group, but before the whole group entered a critical situation, it has been refused that new aid. Hence the need for restructuring and these painful effects.
It is known that in any human organization a group of leaders is formed, called a technostructure, which is the one that assumes each decision point of the company. And in the midst of all this problem, we are presented to that collective leader, and it still doesn't seem that they're being asked for the accounts. A few years ago, the Social Council came to be responsible for balancing the power of this group, but it disappeared from the scene, or had it, and it was able to continue with few difficulties in the execution of gigantic investments, since the behavior of every technostructure is precisely that: the increase of economic political power.
In view of this situation, I hope that the partners of the cooperative will take part in channelling their interests, which exercise self-management competence that they should never abandon as cooperatives, in order to make Fagor viable again.
Fagor etxekotresnak
Fagor eta alboko eraginak

Mondragon Taldeko Fagor Etxetresnak ordainketak eten eta kiebra jo dezake lau hilabete baino lehen egoera finantzario oso larria konpontzen ez badu. Banku hartzekodunek neurri soziolaboral drastikoak exijituko dituzte Fagor finantzatzen jarraitzeko. Berehalakoan, langileak langabezian geratuko dira. Munduko lehiakideen artean txoko bat egiteko inbertsio zalantzagarriak egin zituen kooperatibak, baina krisiak eraikuntza eta kontsumoa murriztu ditu eta horren ondorioz zor handia pilatu du. Egoera horri aurre egiteko ahaleginak ez dira nahikoa izan. Bankuek ez dute bihotzik enpresa txikiekin eta bazterrean uzten dituzte; baina orain enpresa ikur batekin ausartu dira, eta badirudi zalantzak dituztela Fagor finantzatzen segitzeko.

Kooperatiba hondotik ateratzeko lanean ari diren eragileek kontuan eduki beharko lukete ordainketen etenaldiak edo kiebrak zein alboko eragin izango duen langileengan –5.642 langile munduan barrena ezarritako 13 lantegitan, horietako 1.800 euskaldunak–, bazkideengan, kapital ekarpena egin duten milaka pertsonengan, enpresa hornitzaile ugaritan, eta Arrasate inguruko zerbitzuetan.

Mondragon Korporazioak ardura handia dauka bere langile eta bazkideekiko, baita euskal jendartearekiko ere. Lehenbailehen argitu beharko luke Fagorren egoera, gestio erantzukizunak baleude, horiek garbitu beharko lituzke, eta Fagorren eta talde osoaren etorkizuna zehaztu beharko luke. Zeren eta Eroskiren egoera, adibidez, ez da oso lasaigarria; honek ere inbertsio handiak egin zituen eta orain oso zorpetuta dago. Bai Fagorrek bai Eroskik, euren langile eta bazkideekiko ardura izateaz gain, beste milaka pertsonari ere azalpenak eman behar dizkiete, ehunka milioi euro jarri baitzituzten enpresa horien mantenu eta garapenerako. Inbertsio hori –menpeko ekarpenak– jadanik oso txarto dago, baina erabat galduko litzateke ordainketen etenaldiarekin edo kiebrarekin. Fagor hondotik ateratzea enpresa bat salbatzea baino askoz gehiago litzateke.

You are interested in the channel: Fagor
Aritz Ameztegi, 'Debagoiena 2030'
“Inpaktua bada eskualdean bilatzen duguna, udal eta eragile guztiei entzun behar zaie lehenik”

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2020-07-14 | ARGIA
The court reiterates the serious damage caused by asbestos to a worker and rejects Fagor Ederlan's appeal
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The Provincial Court of Gipuzkoa absolves Mondragon from the Fagor case
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2018-05-30 | Juan Mari Arregi
From Arizmendiarrieta to Fagor and Eroski
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2018-05-10 | Goiena
Question of voluntary contributions from Fagor, ready to deliver judgment
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2018-05-08 | Goiena
Witnesses say Mondragon didn't fool the partners
The lawsuit brought against Mondragón by several former partners of Fagor Etxeresneta and Edesa, united in the Pago and Pago platforms, began today, May 7, in Bergara. It's the biggest lawsuit in the UAE so far. 954 former members claim €47 million from Mondragon. Witnesses... [+]

2017-12-13 | Goiena
Amica taldeak 26,8 milioi euro jarriko dituela adierazi du Edesa Industrialek “aktibitateari eusteko”

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2017-10-27 | ARGIA
Edesa industrialek hartzekodunen lehiaketa aurkeztu du, 100 milioi euroko zorrarekin

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2017-10-24 | ARGIA
Jarraitu zuzenean berrikuntza sozialaz Emunek antolatutako jardunaldiak

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Zer da CNA? Edesaren zartagina eskutik duen taldea

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2017-09-12 | Goiena
CNA taldeak enplegua suntsitzeko espedientea aurkeztu du

Iragarritako moduan, CNA taldearen Edesa Industrialeko zuzendaritzak gaur aurkeztu du enplegua suntsitzeko EREa, langile guztiendakoa. Ostiralean jakinarazi zen bezala, zuzendaritza Edesa Industrial eta Geyser-Gastech enpresetako ordezkariekin batu da; bilera horretan enpresako... [+]

Edesako langileak: “Fagor markarekin ‘pelotazo’ bat egin nahi dute”

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Fagor-CNAk Garagartzan ekoizteari utzi eta langileak kalera botatzeko planari eutsi dio

Zuzendaritzak kaleratze gutxiago egiteko aukera azaldu du enpresa batzordearekin egindako bileran, baina aldi berean dio "gehienez" 160 lanpostu mantendu ditzakeela, hasierako proposamenean bezala.

2017-07-26 | Goiena
Fagor CNAko langileak:
“Susmoa dugu beldurra erabili nahi dutela guk onartzeko enpresaren dimentsioa txikitzea”

12:00etan dute hitzordua bihar, eguena, Fagor CNAko langileen ordezkariek CNA Taldeko zuzendaritzakoekin, negoziazioari ekiteko. “Enpresa bat ez da konpontzen murrizketekin”; hori abiapuntu, 350 lanpostuak eta enpresaren bideragarritasuna defendatzera bertaratuko... [+]

CNAk Arrasateko planta itxi eta 200 langile kaleratu nahi ditu

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Eguneraketa berriak daude