The president of the institution, Iker Hidalgo (in the photo on the left) and Mikel Barrios de ADECAP-Gazteak (in the photo with the brother-in-law, on the right) have received us at the headquarters of the Biscay Hunting Federation in Bilbao. Three years ago, ADECAP launched an awareness-raising campaign to show that hunters are illegal and disrespectful of other hunters, as this is a bird that has to be hunted “to the leap,” after the dogs have been torn from the slaughterhouses. On the other hand, the two young people have explained to us that they are trying to get the dove out as of 31 January. Europe banned countermeasures in 2005, as birds return to northern breeding areas and their elimination would drastically reduce the number of chickens. Many pigeons, moreover, cannot resist the winter, and they are less than the ones coming back.
You want the dove to be able to hunt in contrapase.
Mikel Barrios: We know that it is very difficult to return to a counterweight like the one before, which lasted until April. From 31 January we will have to look for another way of hunting the torcaz pigeon. Very few pigeons were thrown here, some 2,000. With almost 6 million pigeons a year, the figure is not very high. The pigeon population is also increasing throughout Europe.
Iker Hidalgo: The only option is to extend the hunting of the pigeon until March, as has already been done in some areas of Spain. In the French state it can also be hunted until the end of February. It wouldn't be a countermeasure. The best of the counterpart is March, but at least we would take it until the end of February.
The law is not the same everywhere...
HI. That's right. A bird may be thrown into a community and in the neighboring town may not. It doesn't make sense. More animals can be hunted in the French state. Some migratory birds can be hunted in the Northern Basque Country and in the South no; in Hendaya yes and in Irun no.
M.T. : The Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment of the Government of Spain is working on the drafting of the Law on Forests. Although the powers of hunting are the responsibility of local authorities, a State-wide commission would propose the dates of opening and ending batches and would equate those of all communities. In the case of the CAV, the last word would be held by the Members, but at least the subject will be discussed and something can be moved.
ADECAP-Gazteak launches the Esperari STOP campaign.
HI. : In addition to expressly banning laws, hunters do not accept this practice. There are few fellows and they have to be weighed properly. Stalking hunting is a lack of respect for other hunters.
M.T. : Hunters should know that stalking fellows is wrong. It has no merit. Some hunt with treachery. It's not ethical.
What marks the line of ethics?
M.T. : The animal has to escape and if it is awaited outside the forest it does not have.
What about the passing pigeons?
M.T. : If the scholarship comes somewhere today, you know that probably also tomorrow. The pigeons will once pass by your side.
HI. : The scholarship is nothing outside the forest. It goes quiet in open spaces, flies more directly, is helpless… It has the ability to hide in the forest. The dove can fly higher in the face of danger.
M.T. : In order to avoid “stalking” hunting, the sale of the stalk in the dwellings is prohibited.
Is furtivism punishable?
HI. : In addition to financial penalties, you can be removed from the hunting permit for a period of 3-5 years. There should be more vigilance, more vigilance, but the crisis has also hit administrations…
“Hunters guarantee the balance of nature,” we have often heard.
M.T. : Indeed, we are an important tool for controlling the overpopulation of shellfish and wild boars that cause traffic problems and reduce crops.
HI. : The hunter watches the wildlife all year long to be able to hunt it. Without hunting, many species would disappear, for example, the partridge. Ecologists say that nature has stood still, but the human being has always been within nature. It's not going on one side and we're going on the other. Wild boar and boar are proving that hunting is necessary.
Why is there overpopulation? Because their predators, for example wolves, have disappeared?
HI. : Forests have changed, people don't care for them. Intransitable pinares and eucalyptus are a paradise for wild boars. Although the wolf disappeared a long time ago, there have never been so many orchids. It's more because of the transformation of forests.
Would it help change forestry policy?
HI. : Perhaps if the administrations planted indigenous trees, oak trees or beech trees on their grounds to keep the mountains cleaner... But many mountains are private.
What relationship do you have with the baserritars?
HI. : Baserritars, in general, demand more smoothies. What happens is that many of those who used to be farmhouses are now chalets. Many of those who have gone to live in the mountain have not recognized that the mountain has its own characteristics: smell of manure, barns singing… and hunting. The baserritars of always and these look different to us.
Do you see with good eyes taking the kids on the hunt? I say because they're surrounded by a shotgun.
M.T. : It is good that the 10-year-olds go hunting, no shotgun, of course. There are some rules: you go with your father or your uncle, you can't get away 15-20 meters... Animals - and it comes very well to get to know.
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