Statistical data – almost always cold and anonymous – often reveal deep realities that should help us rethink our attitudes towards policies. Last week, we have seen some data on unemployment in Hego Euskal Herria, offered by Lanbide de de la CAV and the Navarro Employment Service. Analyzing these we can conclude that unemployment, precariousness, low wages, low pensions and, therefore, inequalities have a female face. Although the data of Ipar Euskal Herria are not available to everyone, it does not seem that they will separate much from the rest. Too much woman's face.
The overall unemployment figure in September is 226,893 people, representing 17.4% of the working population. In Álava (20.3%), Bizkaia (19.1%) and Gipuzkoa (16.2%), the unemployment rate for women stood at 18.3%, three points above that for men. In Navarre, 52% of unemployment is among women, according to data provided by Eustat. As far as salaries are concerned, women receive 30% less pay than men, according to Interior. This difference is even greater in pensions, which can reach up to 40%. Finally, there is also a big difference between women and men in recruitment. In September, women have obtained more contracts – 33,426 contracts, compared with 30.349 for men – but more than half of them are partial, of low quality and part-time. 57% of the contracts signed lasted less than 29 days.
In this context, we need policies that promote positive discrimination for women, if we are to achieve equality between women and men. We need new economic, labour and social policies for women. And they must be put into practice in all areas. Only in this way will we have one face: that of the person.
Buñueleko (Nafarroa) kasuan, 34 urteko gizona makina batean harrapatuta geratu da. Arratzun (Bizkaia), aldiz, garabiak goi-tentsioko linea bat ukitu ostean hil da 61 urteko gizona.
Betsaide enpresan gertatu da, 08:00ak aldera. Urtea hasi denetik gutxienez bederatzi behargin hil dira.
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