Here in Europe, while we demand and demand the maintenance of the well-being achieved during years of struggle, which is fair and necessary, 842 million people, one in eight inhabitants of the planet, are dying of hunger and disease. Of those millions, not a few, in their quest to survive, they are thrown into the sea, despite endangering their lives. They're going to look for everyday bread that capitalism denies them in their country, but at the same time capitalism exploits those peoples, taking huge profits out of the natural resources that exist in Africa, Asia and South America. Thousands of immigrants, in most very young cases, are forced to search for a special paradise in Europe… and in that attempt many lose their lives. Some of them are received at death, but most are not. European seas have become an anonymous graveyard of thousands of immigrants. Last Thursday, on the Italian island of Lampedusa, more than 300 people lost their lives and only 155 of the vessels on which they travelled nearly 500 Africans have been rescued alive. The boat caught fire and then sank.
Others are thrown directly into the sea by migrant smugglers. This is the case of the bodies of the 13 Eritreans found last week on the southern coast of Sicily. The mayor of the town is convinced that the traffickers threw them “into the sea as if they were cattle.”
We, the “privileged” Europeans, despite the serious cutbacks we have suffered – and it is logical to continue to fight against them – cannot forget this human reality and we must seek solidarity ways of curbing bloodletting so that there is no hunger and disease in those countries. We have to fight capitalism, the exploitation of millions of people in Africa, Asia and South America.
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