Spring storms damaged the cover of the San José pediment in 2007. For one year, residents of the Old Town of Vitoria-Gasteiz asked the City Hall to repair the accidents that occurred. But the answers, or not, were not satisfactory for the neighbors. The associations of the area and the citizens decided to meet to reflect on the situation. From there emerged the Txapa Ahotsa Assembly, a group that would take care of recovering and managing the pediment in auzolan.
The funding and support for the execution of the works was provided by the citizens and social agents of the neighborhood. Among other things, the roof was repaired, the soil was lifted damaged by rains, the entire fronton was painted and the walls were matched. It was a work of a few months, and in June of this year it has been five years since the reopening of Fronton Auzolana. Since then, it has been available to anyone who wants to use it. In the quarterly assemblies, use and cleaning shifts are distributed. Other activities related to the ball are also carried out in the Fronton Auzolana. For example, children's ball courses organized by Txapa Ahotsak.
The fronton wants to become an important element of the Old Party. That is why members of the assembly and other associations and groups in the area organize activities. For example, special events have been held to commemorate the anniversary of the pediment, taking advantage of the festivities of the neighborhood. For example, pasacalles, bertsos and friendly matches between neighbors have been played.
The members of the Assembly have from the outset denounced the attitude shown by the City Hall. At the end of the remodeling works, the members of Txapa Ahotsak denounced the “lure” of the institutions with respect to the pediment and the neighborhood. Despite being a municipal responsibility facility, at one time it did not participate in the recovery work, either in the economic aspect or in the support to the works, nor currently it assumes the necessary expenses for its maintenance.
In any case, the Vitorians have shown that, in addition to citizenship, projects can be carried out and they can be continued. According to his words, they went from "claim to action", and despite the obstacles, the Old Town of Vitoria-Gasteiz has its fronton. In this case, an easy and effective response has been given to the problem that had been blocked for a year. In these cases, the assembly has highlighted “the strength of the organization to meet the needs of the neighborhood”.
At Auzolana Pilotalekua, at least, members of the Txapa Ahotsa assembly have shown that the ball by hand can be a collective sport.
Martxoaren 10etik 26ra izango da udaberriko kanpaina. 'Beste modura, denona de onura' lelopean arituko dira gertuko ekoizpena, banaketa eta kontsumoa babestu eta sustatzeko, ager zonaldean euskara hauspotzen duten bitartean. Apirila amaieratik aurrera jasoko dira... [+]