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Frankismo garaiko lau torturatzaile atxilotzeko agindu du Argentinak

  • Tartean dago Jesús Muñecas guardia zibil ohia, Andoni Arrizabalaga Itziarren Semeak eta Anparo Arangoa leitzarrak jasandako torturen erantzuletzat jo izan dena.

Erdian, Andoni Arrizabalaga, 1977an kartzelatik atera berritan.
Erdian, Andoni Arrizabalaga, 1977an kartzelatik atera berritan.

Argentinako María Servini de Cubria epaileak frankismo garaiko ustezko lau torturatzaile atxilotzeko nazioarteko agindua eman du, frankismoaren krimenen kontra abiarazitako auzian inputatu gisa deklaratu dezaten. Honako hauek daude Interpolen jomugan: Celso Galván Abascal Espainiako Errege Etxeko eskolta ohia –2009an hila–, José Ignacio Giralte González poliziaren komisario ohia, Juan Antonio González Pacheco inspektorea –Billy el Niño izenez ezagun egin zena–, eta Jesús Muñecas Aguilar guardia zibilen kapitain ohia.

1968an Andoni Arrizabalagari Zarautzen eragindako torturengatik eman du Muñecas atxilotzeko agindua epaileak, Jon Ugutz Arrizabalaga anaiaren testigantza aintzat hartuta. Kasua dokumentatzeko 1977an kartzelatik irten zenean Joseba Sarrionandiarekin Zeruko Argian izandako elkarrizketa ere hartu du kontuan epaileak. Bertan, guardia zibilek egindako torturak kontatzen ditu ondarroarrak: “Zelda batean bakarrik aurkitzean, komisariatik pasatuta zoriontsu izan nintzen”.

Gerora ere, Muñecas beste tortura kasu batzuetan inplikatuta egon zen Tolosan eta Donostian.

1976an Anparo Arangoa leitzarrak jasandako torturen argazkiak ezagun egin zirenean, Tolosako kuarteleko kapitaina tokiz aldatu zuten. Muñecasek Estrella Digital atariari adierazi dio “pistolero” batzuek hil nahi zutelako aldatu omen zutela lekuz, eta ez torturetan nahasia egoteagatik. Aitzitik, atxilotuekiko zuen jokabide ankerra vox populi zen garai haietan. Tolosan lanean zebilen Joaquín Navarro epaileari “gaizkile politikoak gorroto” zituela azaldu zion behin kapitainak.

Tokiz aldatzeak ez zion eragotzi, antza, gorroto berarekin torturatzen segitzea. Justicia y Paz elkarteak 1976an kaleratutako testigantzetatik iradoki daitekeenez, Donostiako kuartelean izandako tortura kasuetan nahastuta ibili zen. Torturatua izandako Jesus Lasa elizgizonak Muñecas ezagutu zuen: “Sei torturatzaile agertu ziren, Tolosatik lekuz aldaturiko kapitaina buru zutela”.

Antonio Tejero koronelarekin 1981ean estatu kolpea eman zuen Muñecasek, baina ez zuen denbora gehiegi kartzelan iraun. Geroztik Valdemoron bizi da, egun 74 urte ditu.

Ez dirudi Espainiako Gobernuak estradizio eskaera beteko duenik, Servinik torturen biktimen testigantza jasotzeko jarritako oztopoak ikusita; Auzitegi Nazionalaren esku utzi du erabakia Alberto Ruiz Gallardón Justizia ministroak. Hala ere, frankismoko biktimen elkarteek garaipen garrantzitsutzat dute epailearen erabakia.

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The City of San Sebastian will put on Saturday a plate in memory of Mikel Zabraise in front of the Intxaurrondo headquarters
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2024-11-27 | Mati Iturralde
I remember them.

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2024-11-13 | Julene Flamarique
Path to recognition
III Conference on Torture. The Network of Torturados of Navarre announces an International Conference
The organization has explained that it has recently begun to transform the reality of almost a thousand people tortured in Navarre. The first official recognition of victims of torture in Navarre took place in April of this year and the present will be to reflect on the... [+]

ANALYSIS | 12 October
Tortured: Brave or free?

“In the newsletter today at noon, you will see the mayor of your capital, offering the main plaza of the city to the military body that tortured us. In today’s information at noon, you will see the structure that murdered our friends and relatives unravel through our... [+]

Tortured: Brave or free?

“In the newsletter today at noon, you will see the mayor of your capital, offering the main plaza of the city to the military body that tortured us. In today’s information at noon, you will see the structure that murdered our friends and relatives unravel through our... [+]

Apology of the terror of the Civil Guard in a semi-idesiert square
For the first time since its creation 180 years ago, the Guardia Civil celebrated the day of its patron and Hispanidad outside the barracks and in the center of Vitoria-Gasteiz. The Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Maider Etxebarria, the representative of the Spanish Government,... [+]

2024-10-09 | ARGIA
The Spanish Minister of Justice has argued "national security" to prevent the declassification of the Zabraise case
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The Government of Navarra recognizes Iturbide, Jiménez and Azkona as victims of the State
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Human Rights Watch denounces torture of Palestinian doctors by the Israeli Army
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2024-06-28 | Josu Iraeta
Solitude of the tortured

When we talk publicly about torture, we realize how much society embraces the opinion that the “system” itself puts into effect on this issue. It uses a wide range of ministers and advisers, judges and experts, all with the help of the organic media, of course. And it has to... [+]

2024-06-28 |
New step to recognize the imprint of torture in Sakana with the documentary 'Arg(h)itzen'
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The Government of Navarre recognises tortured citizens as victims in the period 2005-2011
The Tortured Network of Navarre has reported the acceptance of nineteen new victims by the Commission for Recognition and Reparation of the Government of Navarre, five of which were tortured between 2005 and 2011 by Mikeldi Diez, Iker Aristu, Oihan Ataun, Garbiñe Urra and Mikel... [+]

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